Love blossom for Karn and Uruvi

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The author's POV:-

Uruvi awaited for Karn to wish or present the watch but Karn didn't attend the party.In the morning,After Karn finish his chores, workouts and
prayer.He went to Uruvi's house but by the time Arjun didn't allow him to enter so Karn act like left but he waited.After Arjun left,He went and saw Uruvi's mother and ask her to give the present to her.She bought but after Karn gone she throws it in dustbin.Uruvi's grandmother took it and gave it to Uruvi.Uruvi gets anger
on Karn for not giving it personally.
So she asked her servants to return to him.They did and Karn asked Why did she return? and the servant replied She wants you to give the gift directly to her.Karn nodded but he left the place.Uruvi asked What happened to the servant? She replied He told that
He will be waiting for you in Taj Mahal at 5 pm.Uruvi felt surprised by Karn's behaviour.She gets ready quickly to go to Taj Mahal which is 250 km long and takes minimum 4 hrs of travel but worth to go for a proposal.

In Taj Mahal,5.00 pm,Uruvi check her makeup after coming from a long ride.She searched for Karn but he was not there.So she called him and ask where is he? Karn said In my home.
She replied Are you kidding ? Didn't you called me to Taj Mahal?
He said No, Wait that means are you in Taj Mahal.Suddenly a voice heard saying Surprise.Uruvi turned and saw

Uruvi was shocked and disappointed

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Uruvi was shocked and disappointed.She whispered Arjun.
Karn hears it and ended the phone call.Karn found out Arjun planned and took Uruvi to Taj Mahal so He can't give her the watch.He gets ready and went to Agra in bike.Here Arjun said I want to tell you something Uruvi.Uruvi nodded to continue.
Arjun said A soldier doesn't fight because he hates what's in front of him.He fights because he loves what he left behind.Uruvi asked What?
He said I love you,Uruvi.I want to be with you forever.She gave a confused look and said Sure,Arjun I will be with you forever but please understand I don't love you.Arjun said
I heard it thousand times.Give me one reason why didn't you love me.
She replied Arjun,You are a perfect husband material but I didn't see you in that way and I love...
Arjun asked Don't tell me you are in love with Karn.She nods and Arjun gave a fed up expression and left.
Arjun had a last chance.Here Uruvi,Text to Karn that She was safe and Arjun planned surprise for her.
She doesn't know what Arjun planned
because she had trust on Arjun.Karn
text, Good to know,I am on my way to Agra.Wait for me at Subdhan Allah hotel.She text Sure.Around 10 pm,
Karn text I came wru? She replied I am at balcony of the Hotel.Karn saw the text and headed there.He saw Uruvi and She saw Karn.

He saw Uruvi and She saw Karn

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They didn't speak but their eyes did

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They didn't speak but their eyes did.
Atlast,Karn fulfill his vow and gave the watch to her.They Watch Light And Sound Show At Agra Fort,
Go and explore the Markets of Agra,
Taste the famous street food of Agra,
Go on a walking tour of Agra to explore more about Agra and the local people and Taste the Agra's famous Mughlai cuisine in some famous restro.We had a nice long night.Karn trying to say something but he stumbled.Atlast,In the parking lot,
Uruvi said In my young age,My grand mother used to say stories about greatest warrior Karnan and his beloved wife Uruvi.So that's why my grandmother named me Uruvi.To gave their love a second chance.My
Family were belong to Karnan's ancestors.I am saying all this because
.......Karn said You love me.She again nods.He said I need some time hope you understand.She said It's okay no problem.I can wait for you till my last breath.Karn nods and left.

Next morning,Arjun tried is last chance.He went to Karn and asked His love has his first request.Karn called
Uruvi to a park.Karn and Arjun went to the park and waited for her.Uruvi
arrived.Karn said Arjun request me to
sacrifice my love to him.It was my first request of the day so I can't take back.Uruvi looked at Arjun and He said I know you might think me as a bad but I don't care about it I want you.Karn said You made a smart move by asking Uruvi as my first request but I didn't own Uruvi still.We didn't marry or become a couple to have a right on her.Arjun,Try to understand
If you marry Uruvi,She will be with you for your entire life but you will lose friendship and she will hate you because she doesn't love you and For you it's just an affection.Arjun said I understood that now,Take care of my best friend or else I will make your life a living hell.Karn said I will and I think you forgot who's boss here.
Arjun left.Karn and Uruvi face each other awkwardly.Karn said Thanks for coming.I....will take your leave.Uruvi pulled him towards her and asked Tell me why did you call me? He replied I....I ... called you to tell.....I love you,Uruvi.I love you a lot.She blushed and replied Me too.They hugged.

After few weeks of formal love like dating when together, Chatting when they not.They understand the other well.Karn was like a dream but........
Kaushtri arrived at Delhi.She came between in them when they were in a date.Karn was shocked to see her and
Uruvi felt betrayed and tried to leave but Karn stopped her and introduce Kaushtri as a friend.She started to cry after hearing.Karn asked How did you came here and what happened why are you crying? She replied My father arranged marriage so that I ran away and came here.Karn asked Why did you come here? Kaushtri replied What do you mean coming here ? I am your friend and I don't have any other choice to go so that.My bride was a bad guy.He was abusing me already so I ran away in the wedding and I want to ask you that I......Will you marry me?

Will Karn accept it?
Or marry Uruvi?
If Karn and Uruvi gets married what are the consequence they face?


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