Chapter Three

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Arthur left after their meeting was adjourned due to time, Tommy put a record in the record player. The record started playing their wedding song, 'Always' by Irving Berlin. Tommy asked for Catherine's hand with a gesture, she gave him her hand as Tommy pulled her into his arms. The couple waltzed for a moment till their moment of unspoken love was interrupted by the doorbell ringing, Catherine ran to their children's room as Tommy turned off the song. Tommy took his ring off as he approached the door, stashing it away in his pocket as he reached for the door handle. When he opened it, his ex-girlfriend, Lizzie stood on the steps with a gorgeous red dress that was flowing in the frigid wind.

"Tommy, it's so lovely to see you!" she exclaimed cheerfully, Tommy sighed.

"Why are you here, Lizzie? You know that Ruby doesn't want to see you after what you did to Catherine." he said firmly, Lizzie's smile was wiped away, and was replaced with a frown.

"I know, that's what I came to talk to you about. Catherine." Lizzie spoke with discomfort in her tone, Tommy let her in grudgingly as he shut the door behind her, Lizzie looked around the entrance. Her brown eyes landed on a portrait of Catherine and their children from when Phillip was a newborn.

"She looked so beautiful in the painting, Charles and Ruby must've loved her." Lizzie said with a small smile, then turned to Tommy and said nervously.

"I have been having visions of her." Tommy faked his expression to seem like he's surprised then he asked.

"What do you mean?" Lizzie shrugged as her eyes dart towards the floor.

"I don't know but I met a man during midday when he giggled, it sounded like the giggle that she used to do. He had scars and bruises on his knuckles that looked like hers." said Lizzie as she fiddled with her watch, Tommy rolled his eyes.

"I think you should go; the children are here." he said while watching her starting to cry, then he asked.

"Why are you crying?" Lizzie wiped her eyes then said.

"I didn't mean to hurt you or the children, it's just." she paused to take a deep breath, then Lizzie continued.

"She was so innocent, smart, and caring. I can understand why you fell for her, but she didn't carry any of your children at the time. What was she, the new Grace?" Tommy exhaled through his nose as he walked to the front door and said.

"No, she told me that you can't filled a hole with rocks, but you can fill it with dirt. The summary is that you can't replace someone with someone else, but you can replace them with the memories of them." Lizzie nods as Tommy opened the door, Lizzie walked outside, then turned to speak but was cut off by the door. Tommy leaned against the door as he rubbed his eyes, Catherine walked around cautiously.

"She's gone, it's fine." her husband spoke. When she came into view, a creamy yellow dress draped over her shoulders, a silver bracelet shined in the candlelight. Catherine was shorter without her male shoes or her heels on, her brunette hair fell to the side as her rouge gems that hang off her ear. Tommy stood by the door; you could tell that he was stunned by the way his ocean blue eyes brightened.

"Tom, you're staring." Catherine giggled shyly; Tommy approached her while snickering.

"Was I or was it that you're so beautiful when you dress like yourself." the couple kissed passionately. Tommy and Catherine haven't kissed each other like that since their wedding night, their lives were so busy with their children, Tommy's business, and Catherine's false identity. It wasn't their physical affection that made their marriage so strong, but it was the poetry of their words, the dance that they share in their eyes, and the children that they're raising together. Everyone that knew Catherine before her transition, knew that she loved Tommy since the moment Tommy spoke to her.

"Mummy?" one of their children asked, the couple separated to look at their children, then their mother asked.

"Yes, my sweeties?" Charles held both of his siblings' hands, Phillip on his right and Ruby on his left.

"Will you please read us a story before bed?" Charles asked, Catherine nods as the children ran to their room with cheering. Catherine then followed them while laughing.

"Alright, alright. What story do you want me to read?"

"Tell us about how you met Daddy." Ruby announced as the children climbed in their beds, Catherine smiled at her daughter as Tommy leaned against the doorway to the children's room. Their mother sat in the rocking chair that was between Ruby's and Charles's beds, then she said.

"It was 1929, I was in desperate need of a home. I begged for a job, but no one would give me a job then I came across a tough-looking man, the man looked like he always walked with a huff. He was nice enough to give me a job as his brother's assistant while his previous one was away, she actually was away to have you." Catherine pointed at Ruby who smiled as she hid her face behind her blanket, Catherine continued.

"I didn't meet my boss until Ruby was already born. I remembered it was a late winter night, people were inside, possibly talking about business stuff, and I was standing in the garden that you were playing in earlier. This tall man approached me, he seemed so kind but when I spoke, he looked distracted. But he would always be one step ahead of me. We talked till the party was over, I remember leaving that party thinking about our conversation." The children were asleep, Catherine and Tommy kissed their children's heads before going to their room to sleep for the night. 

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