Chapter Nine

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It's been five months since Tommy and Catherine found out that they were going to have another child, they told their children who were cheering when they were told. Catherine let her ginger hair grow into a cute bob cut, she started wearing her lovely feminine outfits again, and her bump has become noticeably big. Her wounds healed up nice, she could walk again without any assistance.

Catherine decided to go surprise Tommy at work, she asked Arthur to bring her down, and take her to Tommy's office. Arthur took her to the betting room where she saw Polly, Catherine went to see her, and when she entered, she sang.

"Polly!" The elderly woman turned then said.

"My, is that Catherine standing my office?" She stood up to give Catherine a warm hug, then Catherine asked.

"Do you know if Tommy's in a meeting or anything?" Polly shook her head as she smoked her cigarette, she thanked Polly while heading to her husband's office. Catherine knocked on the door, she heard Tommy call.

"Come in!" When she opened the door, she saw Lizzie standing in the middle of Tommy's office, then she growled at Tommy.

"What is she doing here?" Tommy saw the rage in Catherine's eyes as Lizzie gawked at her.

"Catherine? I killed you, how are you alive?" Catherine said lowly without looking at her.

"You had terrible aim. Next time, aim for the head." Catherine punched Lizzie in the face causing her to fall back as Tommy exclaim.

"Catherine! Watch yourself!"

"I've been waiting for two years! She deserves worst for all the things she did!" Catherine screamed in her lover's face, she then roared loud enough for the whole town to hear.

"SHE TRIED TO KILL OUR SONS!" Tommy stepped back, then Catherine huffed.

"I didn't tell you because I knew that you would kill everyone in sight and possibly get arrested. I didn't want you to get hurt." Lizzie strikes back but missed, Catherine grabbed the head of Lizzie's head and slams against the desk. Tommy got between them before Catherine could get hurt, then Arthur and Finn came in and took Lizzie away.

"So, how are you and the babe doing?" Catherine struggled as she sat down, Tommy pulled out a cigarette as he sat down, then asked.

"Why did you come into town?"

"I was bored in that mansion, I read all the books, and-" Catherine realized that she was making up excuses, and she confessed.

"The baby and I really missed you, I miss checking in with you every day at midday. I miss that secret kisses that we share in this office, the risk of danger would fill me with adrenaline whenever we verbally danced our love in front of people." Tommy watched as Catherine blushed, he then told her.

"You know, I miss those moments also. I miss the way you use to hide your adorably red face, I miss the jokes that I only understood, and I miss the sly flirts that would stop me in my tracks when you would say them during trade meetings." Tommy sat down as Catherine stood up, she went towards her husband, then sat in his lap. He placed his hands on her bump and said quietly.

"I can't wait to see our son." Catherine leaned back into Tommy's shoulder and then responded in the same tone as Tommy.

"We don't know if it's a boy or a girl."

"It's a boy, I can feel it." he teased while hugging his wife's waist. 

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