Chapter Five

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When they got back, Lizzie was waiting at Tommy's door, Catherine's jaw tightened as they approached.

"Tommy! I see that you're still working in the same place, how's the children?" Lizzie chirped; Tommy sighed.

"Do you know how to leave a man alone?"

"I didn't come to see you." she teased, then purred while looking at Catherine.

"I came to see this young man." Lizzie took Catherine's hand, then called to Tommy while leaving the building.

"I'm just going to borrow him for a moment." The two women went to an empty alleyway, Lizzie turned around and slammed her lips against Catherine's. Catherine gently pushed her away, Lizzie pouted while cooing.

"What's wrong? Isn't this what you want?" Catherine shook her head and said.

"I can't do this, you're a killer. You killed a mother, how am I supposed to love a woman who kills?" Lizzie pulled herself away from Catherine, then provoked

"You heard, huh? I did kill a woman, I did it because she took everything from me. My job, my home, my daughter, and my fooking fiancé!" Catherine huffed.

"You're still a killer in my books, you killed that woman. Tommy told me that it wasn't Catherine's fault where you lost everything, it was no one's. But you had to point the finger at someone, right?" Lizzie frowned as her eyes focused on the gravel beneath them, Catherine asked.

"Why are you back then?" Lizzie shrugged then breathed.

"I'm not sure, I thought things would be the same without Catherine being here. But you're here." then Catherine queried again.

"So, how did you do it?" Lizzie's eyes shot up to meet Catherine's emerald-green eyes, then she explained.

"I stabbed her with her switchblade, she came from the Hamilton Mafia in Canada, so she always had one on her." Then she started to weep.

"I felt so bad after I did it because now, I can't see my daughter, Tommy doesn't want to speak to me, and I can't hear Catherine's words of wisdom ever again." Then Catherine took a risk by saying.

"May you always have an angel by your side." Lizzie then gawked at her, before she could say anything, Catherine went back to Tommy's office because she knew that he didn't have any meetings at the office that day. After shutting the door behind her, she vomited into the can.

"Christ!" Tommy exclaimed as his body tensed up, Catherine sat on the wooden planked floor as she wiped the vomit off her mouth.

"What happened?" Tommy asked as he crouched down in front of his wife.

"The bitch kissed me, I then got her to tell me her reasonings and motives." Catherine groaned, then Tommy asked.

"Are you okay?" she nodded.

"Yeah, I just feel a little sick, that's all." Catherine explained before vomiting in the can again, Tommy grimaced.

"I think Finn should take you home." Tommy suggested as he helped Catherine stand up, Catherine quickly made her way to the car as Finn followed behind her, Catherine's brother-in-law drove her home.

On the drive home, Catherine and Finn noticed a car following them. Finn stopped the car, the car behind them also stopped.

Barely a second later, bullets started flying at the family car. Catherine and Finn slid down to the floor of the car, they pulled out their Colts, then ran to the front and hid there until the offence was reloading.

Catherine stood up, shot two guys, they fell down with an agonizing scream. Finn could only get one, but the target was dead. Catherine thought she was safe as she stood by the passenger's door of the family car, but an offender came around from the back of the other vehicle, the two bullets were shot, one went right into her left shoulder, and the other one went right into her right thigh.

Her ears started ringing as she fell back and dropped her gun, Finn's shot was quiet along with him screaming her name as he tried to aid her.

"Catherine! Get up! Catherine, get the fook up!" a million thoughts ran through her head as her eyes grew heavy as everything around her started fading into darkness.

'Am I going to die? Is this how I die?' Catherine thought as a tear escaped her eye.

'Will I see my children grow up, get married, and have children of their own? Will I see my Tom with grey hair and saggy skin? Will I live another day? Am I going to die the same way Grace did? Is Tom going to marry that bitch, Lizzie if I die? I can't die, I'm Catherine. Helen. Fucking Shelby!'

A/N: I'm sorry, she was such a good character in my perspective! 

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