my lydia

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(okay he looks so pretty in those fucking pictures?? like are you kidding??? this will be an au where you and twigs are best friends and you've both secretly got feelings, a classic

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(okay he looks so pretty in those fucking pictures?? like are you kidding??? this will be an au where you and twigs are best friends and you've both secretly got feelings, a classic. as much as i hate cliches i certainly seem to love writing them. he kinda gives me lydia from beetlejuice vibes in that photo, all he needs is a red tulle wedding dress. comment if you enjoy!! or comment and tell me if you hated it!!)

it was your day off, and your best friend jeordie was coming over to hang out with you and watch movies. but little did he know, you'd been crushing on him for awhile now as he was growing more and more confident with himself. he confided in you that he wanted to wear dresses and learn how to do his makeup, but he was always afraid of what people would say about him. you did as much as you could to make him feel comfortable with whatever he wanted to do with his look, even teaching him makeup tricks and giving him a few of your dresses you never wore. and boy did he pull off those dresses. 

your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door, making you startle a bit before you left your spot on the couch to open it. you pulled the door open to see jeordie standing on your porch in your red babydoll dress, with sheer tights underneath and matching black sleeves that stopped at his biceps (those aren't really sleeves in the pic but like gloves?? with no hands?? idk how to explain them just look at the pic). he didn't have a car, so you knew he had to have walked to your house in this outfit.

"jeord, oh my god!!" you exclaimed, beaming at him, "you look amazing! and look how blended your eyeshadow is!" you continued complimenting the boy as pink crept onto his cheeks. he really did look stunning, he must have been practicing.

"thank you, i've had a pretty good teacher." he responded with a bashful smile, shutting the door behind him as he stepped inside, "and i only got called a fag twice on the way over here." he continued in a joking tone. you frowned at him slightly. you hated thinking about your best friend being called these names and hated that you couldn't do anything about it except just be there to comfort him. you wrapped your arms around his neck to greet him and he returned your gesture, squeezing his arms around your torso. he couldn't see it, but a smile spread across your face as he held you against him; being around him never failed to brighten your mood, let alone getting long hugs from him. 

"so what movie do you wanna watch?" you asked him, arms still wrapped around each other.

"i don't know, i'm pretty content right now" he said back to you, his voice muffled between your hair and shoulder. your stomach fluttered,

"oh shut up," you replied with a laugh, reluctantly breaking out of the embrace, "come on." you grabbed his hand and pulled him along with you into the living room. the boy was much taller than you were, especially with the platforms in his shoes, so your dress on his body only reached to the top of his thighs. you were thinking about how high up his tights went when he snapped you out of your daze by plopping onto the couch, making you follow suit and grab the remote before sitting right next to him. with both of you on the same cushion, your thigh was against his, leaving no room between the two of you.

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