Chapter 30

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"What's going on" I say breathlessly.
"Snow? Snow are you okay?" A strange voice asks me.
"Who are you..?" My mind feels scrambled and I don't recognize anyone in the room.
"Y-you don't recognize us?" I see one of the boys get up and walk quietly out of the room, I think he might be crying but I still don't understand why.
"I'm sorry, I can't really remember anything, where's my parents?" I asked.
"Y-your what?" One boy stutters.
"My parents? Where are they? Why aren't they here?" Before they can answer a doctor comes into the room and starts to speak,
"Hello everyone my name is Dr. Collins and I have some bad news, I guess as you might have all figured out, Snow is suffering from Amnesia. She won't remember anything for a while, and if she does start to remember it won't be all at once." he pauses a moment letting everyone take it in before continuing,
"The best thing you can do right now is just surround her by old memories, but be careful not to overwhelm her, as for right now however I need everyone to leave because I have to tell Snow some other bad news." I look around as everyone starts to stand up, I try to push myself to remember something... anything, but nothing comes up. When everyone leaves the doctor turns to me,
"What's the last thing you can remember Snow?"
"Well I remember getting into a car with my family, because we were going to the movies."
"Is that all you remember?" The doctor says slowly, and when I nod I can see the pain cross over his face as he tells me this next thing,
"Snow I am so sorry, when you got into the car, something happened and the car crashed, I don't really know the details though, the only thing I know for sure is that... well... you're the only one who made it. I'm so sorry Snow I know this isn't what you wanted to hear right now, but I had to tell you before someone else did." I take a deep breath as I feel a tear slide down my face.
"They're g-gone?" The doctor nods and I just lay my head on my pillow,
"Can I be alone right now? Don't let anyone in here please, I-I just need to be alone" He nods once more before walking towards the door, he reaches for the handle and stops once again, looking over his shoulder he whispers,
"I'm so sorry Snow." and then walks out the door. When he leaves it's like something in me breaks and I come to realize I am now completely alone, the only family member I have left is my uncle an- forget it. I push thoughts of him out of my mind. Life is about to get so hectic now, but I don't care, I lost my family. My mind starts to fade and I fall into a restless sleep. Sometime in the night someone walks in and kisses my forehead, but maybe I was just dreaming, I don't see how I'm going to get through the days without my family. I don't know how I was doing it before; eventually i give up sleeping and just lay in bed trying to make myself remember, anything. After a while I give up and force my brain to sleep again.

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