Part 1

528 7 19

Ayano's POV

As i was waking up from my STUPID alarm clock i got a text -_-.

Info-kun: Hey babe😘😘

what the fuck does he want 

Ayano: What the fuck do you want info-kun😑

Info-kun: you😀

Ayano: w

oops! i didnt mean to send him 'w'


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   Also your late to school 😉

Oh shit he's right! gotta get dressed!                                                                                                                              

 Third person

After Ayano got dressed she went downstairs to get some breakfast but then she seen a note that Was written by her brother and it said 'Dear Ayano, i had to hurry to school..but, i made you some of ur favorite breakfast! tamago kake hope you enjoy it And mom is on some type of vacation with dad, I hope to see you at school, Yours Sincerely,Ayato.'

"yay! atleast i didnt need to make me some breakfast...oh! i have to make some bento for school hmm what kind should i some Ekiben seems good!"

After Ayano made her bento which took 30 minutes, she didnt even care if she was late right as long as she had her bento!

Ayano then heard a knock at the door, being the (A/N= btw she has a couple of emotion in this -w-)  curious girl she is she opened it and seen...

I hope ya'll enjoyed this and i may have made some mistakes in this but tomorrow i will update the chapter but i hope ya'll enjoyed this!


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