Part 9

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" you know, you owe me right"


You sat there practically frozen in time, your best friend, laying on your legs, and hawks..., in the crook or your neck....saying this??

Oh it was definitely going down

so like any sane person I started thinking of a million excuses on how to get out of this. No way in hell we're you, number one, doing this while your best friend is sleeping on your legs, number two . . .

You had nothing,

You wanted him too

But painfully in denial and spite you decided on the defensive approach... because of course you did,

" can I just give you a gift card or something..."

You both sat there in silence... wait ... what did you just say to him,

He burst out into laugher, moving his head from your neck and throwing it back in a fit of laughter. You turn around to him slightly with an annoyed look on your face. You hit his shoulder slightly cause he decided he wanted to cackle about you offering him a gift card, which side note, is an amazing offer in your opinion. If I was him I would take that gift card any day...

" I'm sorry... im sorry It's just..."

he says trying to regulate his breathing, his eyes had gotten all teary from laughing already.

"Did you really think... oh man he won't ever be able to refuse this offer!" He says before yet again... laughing. I furrow my burrows at him comment knowing damn well, yes , that's actually exactly what I thought. " get on my nerves..." I say sighing and turning back around watching the movie with my arms now crossed in front of me. "Oh what's wrong? Did I guess it right baby?" He says cooing in her ear, I felt a chill go down my spine as I heard his words an uncanny heat growing at the pit of my stomach. I tried to ignore the feeling and the obvious blush now growing on my face as I talk "you are so ungrateful you know that? And don't call me that I'm not your... anything..." I say trying to sound firm and strong but of course... knowing my current state probably sounded like a middle schooler doing icebreakers on their first day of high school, or in other words, like a complete mess. "Ooo not ungrateful just... not what I had in mind...* he says in her ear again, as he rests his head on her shoulder, looking straight at the tv as he talked. He seemed to be trying to pay attention and see if it's really captivating enough for you to be staring that hard at the tv and not at him...

"Have you seen this before?"


"Do you like it so far"

"I guess..." I say sighing with slight annoyance now

"For someone staring at this screen like there is no tomorrow, I think that answer should be "yes absolutely!" not I guess..." he says looking up at her slightly from his place on her shoulder, trying to gauge her reaction to his words.

"What's your point here hawks.." I say sighing moving my eyes down to look at him but surprisingly being met with his own. "If you don't think it's that good, why are you trying to focus so hard on it?" I let out another deep sigh before looking back up at the tv, trying to ignore that he completely has my figured out, it took him almost no time at all. "Can I not focus on a movie I'm trying to watch?" I say with a slight tone of annoyance,

"Well under normal circumstances yes but... you're sitting on my lap, with my head on your shoulder, with my arms around your waist...and your biggest concern is focusing on the movie?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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