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Okay, don't get me wrong, I love my brother. But I swear if he tries to give Tony the shovel talk one more time, I'm going to lock him in a room with Hera. 

I rolled my eyes for what seemed to be the seven hundredth time in the last hour I've been here. The whole reconnecting with my neglectful family thing really didn't have any appeal to me, but   I wanted to see Tyson. Which I had done as soon as I arrived. But now I had to deal with dad and Triton at the same freaking time. 

"For the last time, Yes he treats me well , no you don't need to meet him, and if you go anywhere near him I. Will. Kill. You. Do you understand me? You will die. Death. No longer alive. Living with Uncle Hades for all eternity. So shut up!" I looked up at my father, glaring at him before turning it  to Triton. "I'm going home now, to my boyfriend. Who I love dearly. And he's taking me to the Bahamas as a 'yay we didn't die trip' so don't bother me." 

I quickly vapor traveled back to the tower where Tony was waiting 'patiently' with our bags already packed and our backpacks in hand. I checked to make sure I had Riptide before grabbing his hand and following him to the elevator. 

"You ready?" I looked over at him to see him smiling at me with love shining in his eyes. 

"Two full weeks alone with you on the beach? I've never been more ready for anything in my entire life." 

I'm to broken to be fixed(fem! Percy Jackson and the avengersWhere stories live. Discover now