84. How Can You Like Me?

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How can you like me
When I'm just a simple girl
Who loves wearing oversized shirt
Who loves going out in sneakers

How can you like me
When I'm just an average girl
A typical, plain and boring girl
Who doesn't stand out in a crowd

How can you like me
When I'm not even your type
I don't have a curvy body or a perfectly white teeth
Neither a pointy nose or a pouty lips

How can you possibly like me
When I look like one-of-the-boys
I don't have clear skin like the other girls
And my face is full of pimples

How can you even like me
When I'm just a no one
I don't excel in anything
And I might say I'm a good-for-nothing

So how can you like me
When I'm not even likable
I'm not smart, athletic or beautiful
I'm just me… a simple girl

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