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I'm playing Doki Doki Literature Club for the first time.I'm almost at the end,I saw Yuri spazz,and then suddenly the power went out,and I was just trying not to scream at that time and it waz lowkey scary if that ever happens again I'll delete the game.I'm not even exaggerating the power literally cut for 10 mins.

I spend 3 hrs writing stories

1st hr:*writers blocccccc*

2nd hr:write a story & delete it cuz of shittiness

3rd hr:post some half-assed shih

Just like that 3 hrs of life wasted lol first smut chapter Don worry hon it's actual smut

"I'm hungry...."

"Impossible,you already ate dinner.If a sweet potato tart,a piece of cake,a bar of chocolate and a packet of gummy bears counts as dinner,"

Light sighed at  the detective's incredible eating skills.

"I presume that there's nothing wrong with that,but you'd know what I'm talking about if you look at the clock,"

Light turned his head to look at the clock on the bedside table.

3.14 a.m.

They had been working for exactly 3 hours since their all-too-late dinner,so Light said.

Also the exact time that a regular human finishes digesting their food.

Light sighed for the second time in just minutes.

There's no way he would've put up with this if it wasn't for the handcuffs.

But then again it was he who agreed in the first place.

"Make it quick,would you?"

"Yippee,"L said in his usual monotone voice,making him sound even weirder than his regular,and his regular is pretty weird.

After an eternity of candy eating and many sexual thoughts running through Light's head like crazy what can I say this author loves to see Light suffer.


Light looked at the clock.


He was literally dying from sleep deprivation.

He pulled the covers over his head,at this point,throughly annoyed at L.

"Wake me up again,and I really will punch you,"

Time skip cuz I'm so bored and lazy and there's literally nothing to write here

"Gosh,wherrsit this time?"Light mumbled,annoyed that he had been awoken from his beauty sleep.

L had been jerking about more than he usually did(mostly because of the constant switch of positions).Light was going to get up and tell L off,when he sensed that something was.....wrong.Something was very off about all this.He didn't know what it was,but he was sure about it.



L was moaning in his sleep.No shit,seriously,it's crazy,cliché to absolutely to no end,but it was happening,right in front of Light's eyes.

"He's having.......a wet dream?!Not only that,it's about me?!"

Light could feel the heat creeping up on his face,as he crawled on top of L,nipping his neck for no particular reason that he knew of.

"Wait,why am I even doing this?I should wake him up!But...."

Light looked down at the ever so sweet,usually emotionless detective,now panting frantically below him,desperately moaning underneath him.

This wasn't the first time Light had appreciated L's beauty.

His eyes.His pale skin.Those soft lips Light desperately wanted to make his.His unruly hair he never bothered to keep neat.

Light was filled with lust for the first time in life.

"Maybe I'll take this just a little further...."

"Aaahhh...Light-kun....."L moaned,waking up abruptly from Light-ENouGh!!!!!

The next morning ok just forget what I said about real smut

L woke up,yawning.He had gotten the best sleep in ages.All cause of those wet dreams.It felt quite nice.At least until he realised where he was sleeping in.Intense smirking from Author chan .

There he was,snuggled up in Light's arms,naked.He could feel Light's heartbeat,his warmth,his breath against his neck.Every memory of the things that happened the last night came flowing back.Every kiss,every breath,every thrust,every tear,every scream of pleasure ringing in his ears,every bite harder on his neck.

All relaxation from earlier completely disappeared surprisingly quick.

"Aaaahhhhh!!!"L screamed at the top of his lungs,kicking Light,waking him up.

"Whoa!"Light,startled from the sudden impact,couldn't react and fell of the bed.


As Light got up,L immediately pulled the sheets up to his cheeks to hide his flushed face,and....well,other parts.

"You didn't have to kick that hard,"Light complained,rubbing his poor head.

"You're not even going to apologise for what you did?"

"What for?Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it?I think you're quite good at receiving,"

"The hickeys are so obvious....."

The next hour was spent with L and Light wrestling each other.(Some smutty stuff too)At least until Matsuda barged in and passed out seeing things he shouldn't have.Light and L are currently trying to figure out how to get rid of him.(all credits go to Author chan)

welp last year at this school might as well leave a couple of bad stuff

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