Don't get the wrong idea

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Cannibal AU idk what I'm writing didn't script at all

OK L simps are 100% gonna kill me.

It's midnight. A man carrying a drunk woman stumbled into his house, succumbed to tiredness, collapsing on the couch. The prey wasn't hard to lure in. It's surprising how throwback killers are nowadays.

"I'm back," Light said to seemingly no one.

For years, neighbors heard strange noises, screams, cries for help coming from that house. Some people went in but never came out. The police had been called multiple times, but they never found anything. The resident of that house wasn't very strange, in fact, he was so normal it was suspicious. Over the years, the noises lessened, but it was still chilling when it came. You'd think the people would get used to it, but that was never the case. Some even moved out because of it. Some even spread rumors about that house being haunted.

Light never found the noises chilling or spine-tingling. In fact, he found them to be quite normal. Maybe it was because the noises were coming from his house. His family tried to convince him to move many times, but he refused. But, I guess geniuses have weird tastes.

Speaking of geniuses, there was another involved in all this. Who was the other person, you ask? Well, you'll know.

The room was pitch black. The only light was the one that a nearby street light shone.

"Please, close the door," a man's voice echoed of the walls. It didn't sound very old, you could tell that the man was middle aged.

Light did as he was told, and switched on the lights. The other hissed as if he was in pain, but quickly recovered.

Under the light, his figure didn't seem less hunched over than it would've been in the dark.

"No need to do that," he grumbled.

"Rubbish. I bet you've been sitting here all day in the dark,"

"What I do is none of your business," he answered coldly.

"How is it none of my business? After all, you are my little pet~"

Light said seductively, wrapping his arm around L.

"Don't even think about it," he shoved Light's hand away, his face painted with a light blush.

"Got food?" he asked.

"On the couch. Go to the basement,"


He walked over to the drunk woman and grabbed her by the leg.


L dragged the woman down the stairs like she wasn't a living human being. Even she was, that's the furthest from what she was about to be. She screamed in pain and agony as his blade plunged into her flesh over and over again. Such beauty taken from unbearable pain. Blood stained the walls and floor of the basement. It might be a gruesome sight, it might be a beautiful one.

When the screaming and struggling ceased, L dragged the woman's lifeless body up the stairs, where Light was dozing off.

"You're back," he said, sensing another presence.

"How many days do you think she'll last?"

"Don't ask things you already know,"


Light grabbed L's hand and licked the blood off. A simple yet complicated gesture. 

"What is going on with you today," L muttered under his breath, pulling his hand back.

"I'm going to wash up,"

As the water beat against his skin, he thought about what happened in the space of the last few months. Light found him, starving on the streets and took him in. Despite his effort, Light discovered he had an addiction to human meat. Yet he kept him. Stranger still, Light fed him. He didn't think much of it then, but the more he thought about it, the stranger it seemed. 

"Why would Light keep me? Why does he treat me so nicely?"

"Everyone I knew before neglected me, treated me like I was nothing. Why is he so different? Why is he willing to help me? Is he trying to use me?"

The more he thought of it, the more ideas sprouted in his head. Some were crazy, some made sense, some made him doubt his brainpower.

He spent hours in the shower, just thinking about it. 

In fact, he was so submerged in his thoughts that he didn't even notice Light walk in to check on him. Light had been knocking for very long with no answer, and he was getting rather annoyed.



Their eyes locked and they stared at each other for what seemed like forever.

Finally, Light caught hold of how seriously wrong the situation was. He was staring at his naked roommate(if you can call him that) while he was in the fucking shower. Could the situation get any worse?

"Ah, I'm so sorry," he apologized, his hand covered up his face as if doing so would make forget what he saw, his face a crimson red. He rushed out and flopped onto the bed in their room.

"Geez, what was I thinking? I shouldn't have, even if he didn't answer. Ugh, this is so unlike me, "

"Well, well, Light I didn't think you were a voyeur," L smirked at him.

"I am not! I knocked so many times, I got frustrated, and, and..." he sighed.

"I'm sorry, okay?"

"Well, I guess part of it is my fault too," L said as he sat down beside Light.

They sat in silence, staring into space.

"Hey Light,"


"By any chance, do you like what you saw?"

"Why, you little-"

"Argh, too close, too close!"

A/N: Oh gosh this is so trash........... Well, at least it's not as trash as my previous few!(tryna be optimistic here fuck off hypocrites)


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