Heaven in Hell,Let's Enjoy It Like There's No Tomorrow

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Which one of you are wallowing in the fact that you are addicted to a sort of drug called Lawlight hentai?Baby,just know I'm there for you.This chapter is slightly more smutty than my first few(for real this time),I actually went to RESEARCH smut,and OMGosh can we all just give a round of applause to me for earning a one way ticket to hell?Excuse me,I have to go cry a lake of tears and bathe in the fact that my friends reading this will immediately unfriend me.This is takes place during the Yotsuba arc,so a little less angst will be guarenteed.


L groaned in pain as his back was slammed against the wall against his will.His hands were pinned above his head in an ever so slightly uncomfortable position.But tonight,that was the least of his worries.

His eyes brimmed with all the emotions he had worked so hard to keep in his perfect music box,letting only himself hear its sad tune.Still,he firmly refused to let any of them show.On the contrary,the person who pinned him down had already shown his true colors.

Light Yagami.

He stared down at L with an annoying smirk plastered on his face.He had the perfect air of a God's,domination,omniscience and whatever other qualities God has.His hot breath fanned against L's neck,making him tremble and look away,mind running,as unnatural as it was,for him at least.

"Where did that smart ass attitude go,huh?"Light snarled menacingly,yet sweet at the same time,almost as if it was concern.L,felt unbearable guilt for loving this crazy feeling,craving it as much a child craves sugar,maybe even more.

Light's knee rubbed against his member,making him bite back his moans,tasting his own blood.

Light,as heartless as he was,could not bear hurting the precious,cornered being.He was,as of now,fragile like a porcelain doll.Light carried him to a bed,stroking his head,whispering intinimacies in his ear.

"To think,I could've killed him..."

L tugged on his shirt,pulling him out of dreamland,unknowingly reminding him not to lose his motive.His smiled,but not the tender,loving smile he usually starred,but one filled with lust and other bad intentions.

He evilly squeezed L crotch with one hand,while the other forced L's flushed face to look up at him as he pinned him to the bed,not wanting to miss the fact that L was aroused because of him.

"Damnit,he clearly likes seeing me in pain,what is he other than sadistic?Not only that,he changes personality in a blink of an eye-"

L's thoughts were inevitably interrupted by Light slipping his hand under his shirt.He buried his head into L's chest,chewing on his nipples.

"Nnnnhhh......aaaahhhh...mmnn...s-stop...."L moaned.

"But you want the opposite,don't you?"Light said seductively,unzipping L's pants.(You probably know what comes next,raped and murder! Yay~JKJK please don't sue me)

He took off his clothes,having his body completely shown.L saw everything,from how perfect his body looked,to his less than benevolent smile.He climbed back on top of L,licking and nipping his pale,thin neck.(ok I know I didn't mention L's pants were off but I'm too much of wuss to write that down)(and also I'm obviously underage)

The rest of the night went past like heaven in hell.Light had the best,most painful night of his life.He wore his insanity on himself,bathing in it for the first time in years,seeing L's ruined,flushed,tear-strewed face,covered in sweat ,bawling,screaming out his name hundreds of times,crying out for him to go slower.

Yet,his heart broke into a million pieces seeing that very same face.L was getting hurt because of him.Ironic,isn't it?It's like crying with stress while laughing with happiness.But that was exactly what Light Yagami felt at the time.The hole in his chest had finally been filled.His thrist for love had finally been quenched.That is if this feeling was even love,and even if it wasn't,he didn't care,as long he could feel it again,it didn't matter how many people got hurt.

Light shuddered at how murderous that thought was.L certainly had a reason to suspect that he was Kira,considering how similar his thoughts were to Kira's.

He turned his attention onto the delicate,sleeping being beside him.His heart immediately softened.The adorable,beautiful,breathing being that he claimed as his last night.Light kissed L tenderly on his head.

"May it be your happy,sad,angry,suffering face,I'll enjoy it to its fullest.If you get hurt because of me,I'll take my own life for you.Knowing I may hurt you like this again someday,I'll compensate you.How about that?"Light thought to himself,stroking L's head.

For the first time in a long,long time,both L and Light felt alive.

Whew,that was tiring.I literally sat here for 3 hours just typing this.Considering while I work,I sit in a very hunched position with my legs up to my chest,and though I have no intention on changing my sitting position,it's very wearing.This is the most smut I've ever written,well,besides the Near x -self-insert- fanfiction I write,but you're not seeing that.Comment if I should write more "smut".

Bruh literally no one cares about you go trip over a knife or something

This oneshot is for my best friend who is slightly emotionless.I'm going to stand by my theory that L has Schizoid Personality Disorder,and yes I did do research on that.I actually like the topic of mental disorders and phobias a lot.So bug off if you're here to judge me

why are my chapters still so shodddddddddddddddddd

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