Snip the String

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I'm quite sure that if you read enough romance novels,you'll know about the red string of fate.Well,my dear,if you don't,I'm here to tell you.

The Red Thread of Fate, also commonly referred to as the Red Thread of Marriage,is a belief originating form.It is thought of as an invisible red cord around the finger of those that are destined to meet one another in a certain situation as they are "their true love".

In the original Chinese myth, it's tied around both parties' ankles, while in Japanese culture it's bound from a male's to a female's,and in Korean culture, the red thread is thought to be tied around the of both parties.Although in modern times it's common across all three cultures to depict the thread being tied around the fingers,often the little finger.

These strings may be twisted and thin,but once there,cannot disappear.Some say,that there are special people who can see these strings.

So,you see the red string isn't particularly foreign with many cultures.Personally,I don't believe in that bullshit.But,I'm writing a romance story;the plot requires it.

Now,our story feautures two men.Not exactly young,just the right age their parents give up on convincing them to find "true love".One was a rather skilled player,dated other girls to cover up his evil schemes,while the other was a reserved,queer detective,deemed to not have the right to start a relationship at all.

Such different people in such different worlds.

Yet,they were "meant to be".

My,my,what a scandal it would be if everyone knew it was the dear player who could see the red strings.Shocked he was finding out it was his enemy that he was to fall for.

"It would be too much of a hinder to keep him alive,"Light thought.

He was right.Everything he said and did,the way he acted,even his voice annoyed Light in everyway.But something drew him to L.He had such a hard time finding out what it was,yet he was to never yield many answers.

"Are you alright,Light-kun?"


"You've been spacing out a lot lately.Well,I suppose that's what Kira does most of the time,"L teased,or did he mean it?

Light desperately wanted to punch his face.

Instead,he leaned in beside L and whispered,"I was thinking about how if I were Kira,I'd kill you in the most painful way possible,"

L surprising trembled at those words,much to Light's satisfaction.

Yet,when he pulled away,L's face was tinged a shade pink.It was oddly out of place,but not particularly strange.

Luckily,their colleagues' attention weren't on them,or they would've seen where Light's hand was resting on.

Fortunately,Light snapped out of it and retracted his hand,wherever it was.

It was the first time Light had ever noticed that maybe,just maybe,deep down, L felt the same about him.

They would play the same game repeatedly, befriending then betraying each other,their love forever hidden behind the curtain of the night.A love wrapped in layers of lies and cheats,but stubbornly existing.Their string would stay twisted and thin,but never faded.A momentum of existence.

Maybe for a while,they could stay like this.Playing their sophisticated little games. Maybe their string won't snipped as soon as we think.

What a sweet ending.To think,if fate had it's way.

Which song is better?I'll do a cover for it.I can draw,you know.I just need one comment.

Dude,haven't you learnt your lesson from that last voting?

Nope,probably not.

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