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"Moommmmmmm" shouted the 5 year old "moommmmmmm faster it's my first day , if  I would be late I won't be able to make new friends moommmmmmm" shouted 5 year old baby tay
" You already have arm and off in your class tay you don't need to go early " said his older brother forth (12 year old )

"I need to arm and off are in rose group I need friends in sunflower group mommmmmmmmm"

"Coming coming baby come let's go but first go take blessings of grandpa and grandma ma "
" Okieeeeeeeeee should I say goodbye to billy to will me miss me tell him I will come back soon if he barks I will miss him mom "
" You are only leaving for 5 hours and billy is still asleep you brat "
"Language forth and eat your Veggies"
"Sorry mom"


"Mom I have packed my bag ang filled my bottle when will we leave " asked baby new
"Wait for me new let me revise the chapter and then I will also drop you on your first day and meet your new friends "
" Okay p beam but I don't need new friends I have you and I have our cat Mr.meow meow na it's suffice "

" Boys we will leave in 10 minutes wash your hands and clean your face after breakfast "
" Okay mom "


Parents are not allowed inside the gates only students of the school which have kindergarten at the ground floor were allowed inside the school premises both tay and news mom left them at the school gate with there elder brother as in charge tay at gate no. 1 and new came from gate no. 2

At gate 1
"P forth do you think I should talk to off and arm as they are in rose group but we always eat together should I go to them in the break "

At gate 2
" P beam I don't want to go what if the kids talk to me what will I do , I don't want to go "

when 4 of them reached sunflower group class the boys saw each other
"Ai beam " forth spoke in the sweetest tone tay has ever heard he looked where his brother was watching and saw p beam p forth's friend he often plays with p forth along with p kit p park p lam p pha p ming ..... Oh p forth has so many friends and says tay can never suth up

"Ai forth ohhhh nong tay " beam bent down to meet tay  " it's your first day too excited "
" Kurb p I am going to make soo many friends more than p forth has haaa and a boyfriend like you just like p forth "
" We are not boyfriends " said beam
" Yet " replied forth
Beam just rolled his eyes and opened the class door he pushed new a bit forward making him stand close to tay .

Tay was shocked seeing that guy he shouted " are you a girl with short hair or are you a dog "
" Whattttt " new wined
" Well you said the same thing but till the girl part when we meet in kindergarten " laughed beam
" And you still are the most beautiful ai beam " replied forth

"P beammmm " wined new trying to get his brothers attention which was clearly not him since the moment they stopped in front of the class

" Tay bad manner " scolded beam
" But p he is so beautiful just like Emma watson  and white and clean just like billy my dog "
" P beammmm"  new wined 
" But p he is so pretty "   " hi I am tay I am in sunflower group your dress is same you are in sunflower too right from today we are best friend if you need anything just tell me okay I will always take care of you come let's go to our class bye p beam p forth see you in the afternoon I will take care of him p beam Don't worry "  said tay as he held new's hand and dragged new inside the class

" What was that ai forth "
" Nothing just what you did to me  , we are late let's go I will drop you to your class "
" My brother doesn't he "
" Well you tried where you succeed baby no na "
" Uhhh I hate you guys "
" I love you too baby " said forth while kissing his yet to be boyfriends check " when will our 13 birthday come and you will say yes then you would be mine okay "
" Okay " blushed beam

______ inside sunflower group class room ___

Tay dragged new to a empty table and kept his bag beside him he then removed his hat and took new's to and kept them aside while humming old McDonald's had a farm his humming stoped when he saw new sitting quietly
" Hey pretty boy are you okay '
" Umm yaa I just want to go home "
" Why don't you want to make friends "
" No "
" Do you want to go on swings "
"No "
" Do you want chocolate 🍫"
"Yesss" the little baby sulked while his eyes shined
Tay took out a chocolate From his bag and gave it to new " my grandmother gave it to me she said we should eat sweets on Tuesday , I ate raisins in the morning you can eat this "
"Will you bring me chocolate every day "
" I only get them on Tuesday I will get you one every Tuesday"
" I don't lie"
" First promise on our friendship "
"We are friends ????????"
"Yess as you said before we entered the class "
"Yaaaa " tay shouted as he jumped on new who was eating the chocolate "but I don't know your name "
" New my name is new idiot and you don't know it cause you speak so much "
"Hun 😓 doesn't matter you are my best friend from now new "

______________ after the school got over and tay mom and new's driver came _________

" Mom you know I made so many friends today and I made one best friend new I introduced him to off and arm too you know new is p beams brother he has a mole on his nose at first I thought it is pencil mark so I tried to erase it but then new got angry and he didn't talk to me from 12 minutes I was so worried and bored in that time ....................."
" Mom shut him up " shouted forth when they reached there house but tay was still talking


" P beam today we learnt an new rhyme and I made a friend tawan  you meet him in the morning he said he is your boyfriend's brother " said New
" He is not my boyfriend .... Yet "whispered  beam

First part I hope you like it

Vote for it guys you like taynew and forth beam or you want pure taynew
I write to release my stress out 😅

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