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 you know what's wrong . you guys 😂😂  i had the whole planed around p joss but the comments on last chapter said nong joss so here we go .  😅  

also i am wrong for not updating so here it is i changed it to nong joss as compensation :P ______________________________________

" Why did you break up again ???" Tay asked drinking his drink 

" Her nose "  New said while sipping his hot chocolate 

" H..he.....her nose " tay said as his jaw was about to leave his mouth 

" Yaa it's to long "  new rolled his as if what he is saying is so obvious 

" Thitipoom Techaapaikhun"  tay shouted 

" Kurb" new said while smiling he loved it , he loved it when he would Break up with his girlfriend for stupid reasons and tay would want to shout on him but can't he is THITIPOOM Techaapaikhun after all who can be mad at him  😉 no one . so here tay was biting his lower lips trying not to shout at new 

" I...I don't have words to scold you anymore "
New just laughed at tay as tay shakes his and  turns the page of his math's book they were currently at new's house studying for there finals. Tay glanced at him twice before new noticed it
Promise me new " 

" Hmm"  new said he was getting annoyed now he knew the same lecture is going to come and new didn't like it at all 

" Promise me the one you will love  next , you will try your level best to be with them , promise me you will make it work  the person you next tell you love, you will do every thing to make it work  " 

" Te"  new said okay this was a new speech but it was telling new what to do and that's the last thing he wants from tay 
" Hin"  tay said with stern eyes

" what hin know your place tay don't try barge in my life , you are my friend stay like that  don't cross your limits " said new as he left . people in the cafe were looking at tay's condition some in sympathy some were trying to hold there  laugh 

" strike one " said tay  talking to himself as a tear drooped from his eye  " but i get why you did it don't worry i am not mad at you hin just at myself i was wrong to cross my limit sorry " 


he always does this no matter what  new get's a stupid reason to break up with people. he really has some commitment issues .i know being a guy who has never been in a relationship i should not speak but  i don't like seeing him like this  . don't  know what hurts more seeing him getting someone new every three-four months or seeing his being fully involved with that person and forgetting the whole fucking world including me  but i am not complain off said that's what happens when you date someone who get fully involved in them and forget the rest of the world just like how i forget him and arm  and rest of the gang when  new needs me well to justify it i have loved him for so long i don't remember how to survive without him so what ever i get i accept it. any amount of new is right  any name for it is right i might be his best friend or whatever if i am with new it is right 

the next three months went in an jiff. me and new almost always together. he said he didn't wanted any distraction before our exams so he did not date anyone it was best month ever. it was just me Nd new whole day long him teaching me math, us practicing sample papers together , eating together , sleeping together though I found him distracted with his phone sometimes but he would later switch it off and   it was just me and him and our perfect world together .

 It was the school farewell night I went with arm as new said he had a date already  ..... Why can't girls just leave him alone . he promised me we will go together but drooped the plan  at the end moment *strike 2 *.

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