Ch.1 Intro - Kiddnapped

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Chapter One
3rd POV
Class 1A was having a normal day. Aizawa was sleeping. Bakugou yelling. The disgusting grape being thrown out he window. A "normal" day.

Iida was karate chopping Bakugou. "Bakugou it is very irresponsible to do that to your classmates" "SHUT UP FOUR EY——" He was cut off by a blinding flash and was falling?...

"AAAAAaAaaaaAAAAAAaAa—-" Class 1A yelled. They landed in a pile of pilliows? In a theater? The class got in a defensive stance. Suddenly a voice spoke "Hello, Welcome to m—" said voice was cut off by Aizawa. "Who are you and where are we." he asked , more like demanded, as he gets his capture weapon scarf thing. "Hello Class 1A, I welcome you to my theater and before you ask no I am not a threat." "Sooooo are gonna watch a movie?" Asked Kaminari. "Ummm hold on" said the voice as a girl with brown eyes and black hair appeared.  She was wearing a plain shirt black shirt that said 'fuck life' on it with sweat pants on. "Hi, My name is Violet. You are going to watch different movies or multiverses on a classmate of yours. Before w—" She was again cut off by. " WHERE IS DEKU???" Yelled a frantic Uraraka. "SHUT UP.... Fuck sorry umm as I was saying.. deku is ok he is just sleeping look" She pointed to the corner where Midoriya is asleep surrounded by an angelic glow. Class 1A was in awe when they saw him. He looked like an angel. Then Bakugou STOMPED over to him  and yelled "WAKE THE FUCK UP STUPID DEKU" DEKU then yawned and said "Hi Kacchan". He looked around "oh.. um hi? Where am I?" " Morning and your I'm in meh theater :D" "Oh... Hi Violet I haven't seen you in 4 years." He ran and hugged her. She giggle "heh yeah umm go explain to your class" she whispered. "Oh um..." he looked towards his clas and smiled " um this is my friend we meet a couple years back hehe" "YOU KNOW HER" They all yelled except todoroki, Aizawa, and Bakugou(he already knew). "Yea umm.." Deku said and was left with an awkward silence.

"ANYWAYS.... we are going to watch movies of Izuku Midoriya" yelled Violet. "HUUuuH WHY HIM?!?!??!" Yelled Bakugou. "Because... any way get seated and before we start I'm going to invite other people so sit tight" Suppenly a bright light flashed and a lot of people came out of no where. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH.... where are we/ where am I/ I was about to WIN.." Was heard all around the theater.

Now in the room was:
Class 1A + Aizawa
Class 1B
Shinsou Hitoshi
Hatsume Mei
Big Three
All Might
Recovery Girl
Present Mic
Wild Wild PussyCats
Inko Midoriya
Bakugou Family
Todoroki Family

The LOV.

"HAHHHH OLD HAG WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" yelled Bakugou. "SHUT UP BRAT" replied Mitsuki. Eri and Kota ran to deku and hugged him. "Hi guys." Said Deku. "" yelled someone in the crowd. Every hero ,but deku, got into a defensive position and blocked the civilians. "Excuse me.." Said Violet but everyone was yelling activating their quirks and getting ready to fight. "EXCUSE ME!" Yelled Violet and deactivated their quirks. Once again everyone panicked (but deku) and it was chaos again. Violet was losing patients and screamed in a demonic voice "SHUT THE HELL UP

...thank you" Everyone was quiet and heard a giggling. They all turned to the direction. Deku was being attacked by Eri and Kota. Everyone again snapped out of it and began demanding for an explanation. "Hi I'm Violet. It's a pleasure to meet you all." She then explained what they were doing and asked them to take a seat but questions were asked Like "What is your Quirk?" "Why am I here'?" " Why are villains here?" "First of all, My quirk is Cheshire I can appear and disappear and transform myself and things. As I said before to watch stuff. And why not..."

" Anyway take a seat and before we start I want to warn you all that some movies might be intense or uncomfortable. In the back we have the bathroom, panic room, playroom, and bar, you are allowed to use these rooms at anytime. Enjoy the show!" Once she finished saying that she disspeared with a Cheshire Cat like smile.

The hero's and civilians sat on the left side of the theater and the villians on the right. They all heard a beeping and the screen turned on saying...

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Izuku Midoriya's Origin

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