Ch.2 Izuku Midoriya's Origin

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Ch.2 Izuku Midoriya's Origin
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Izuku Midoriya's Origin

"What does that mean" everyone thought.

At a tender age of 4, Izuku Midoriya learned men are not made equal. On Izuku 4th birthday everything went south.

One Peaceful morning, It shows a younger looking Izuku waking up. He woke up in room filled with plants and fairy lights. He got up and dressed in light blue overalls and a white and pink striped shirt. He looked at his calendar and realized "It's my Birthday!"

"He's SOOOOOOO CUTE" yelled most of the females.

He ran to his parents room and jumped on their bed waking them up. "Morning Green Bean—"

Crying is heard is the theater. A sniffling Izuku stands up and says "umm I'm going to the play room." People were about to follow but Bakugou glared at them and tells Eri and Kota to follow him. Everyone thinks "What was that about?"

A older male with a blurred faced said. "Hi Daddy, guess what today is?" Izuku said giggling. "What day?" "MY BIRTHDAY" A giggling Izuku yelled. A female figure began giggling from the door way. "Come on, Izuku let daddy get ready." The screen shows Inko Midoriya. "Okay" The younger Izuku said running to his mom.

The screen skips to the three in the car. "Hey Izu, what quirk do you want?" Asked a blurry figure asked. "I don't know. I don't really care." "Oh. Well if you had to choose what would you want?" "If I had to choose... um maybe a copy quirk or something so I can try a ton of different quirks or one like yours fire breathing or moms...." Izuku then went on a mumble spree.

"Copy..?" Thought every student. Monoma was in awe no one has ever wanted a copy quirk.

The family arrived at the hospital and got out the car. Another time skipped showed the family in a waiting room. "Izuku Midoriya?" Was heard from the door. The family of three stood up and followed the nurse. "Wait here the doctor will come shortly." She said and left. When the doctor arrived it showed Izuku doing all types of tests.

The doctor is now sitting in front of the Midoriya's. "What's Izukus quirk?" Asked an impatient Inko. "Umm.. Izuku will not be getting a quirk" Once the doctor said that Inko was furious. "What do you mean not getting a quirk." Once she yelled that Izuku was now paying attention. "So I'm quirkless." Asked Izuku tilting his head like a puppy. "Yes, the X-ray shows that he has an extra pinky joints and this is an indication that he will not be receiving a quirk." The doctor explained. "Thank you doctor." Said Izukus Dad.

"Poor kid" thought all the adults (except endewhore). "But deku does have a quirk, right?" Asked Uraraka. No one answered her.

On the car right home, it shows a sleeping Izuku in the backseat. "I don't want him." Stated a furious Inko.

"WHAT" yelled all of class 1A. The Villians felt bad because they under stand how it feels. Aizawa glared at Inko. Inko was looking satisfied.

"What!" Asked a confused man. Said man was driving and wasn't paying attention to the road. " I DON'T. WANT. HIM." Yelled Inko waking up Izuku. "Want what?" Asked the sleepy Izuku. "Nothing Green Bean. Your mom is just hungry. Go back to sleep." "Ok dad—" He was cut off by glass shattering and screaming.

"WHAT HAPPENED" yelled the students and Present Mic.

Time Skip 11 years. It was a rainy day and in the rain stood a older looking Izuku standing in front a rock with writing. "Hey Dad, I made it into UA. Hope your proud of me. I miss you." Said Izuku. He then walked away and it zoomed in onto the rock.
The rock says...
"Here lies ——— Midoriya"

~The End~

"Poor Mido." Said Kirishima. Them POOF and Violet appeared. "Hi again were going to take a small break before the next movie." Then she points to the bar, "If you go to the bar and think of something to eat it will appear and I'm going to get Izuku and the kids." She then began to float off.

Chatter was heard through out the theater. Izuku walked back in talking to Violet and holding Eri in his arms and Kota on his back. The deku squad (Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, and Tsu) ran to him and began taking about stuff.

About 15 minutes later. "Hey guys! Do you want a sad or happy movie next?" Asked Violet. (You decide in comments pls. Lol)

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