Chapter 22

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You were pacing all over the condo. And you couldn't stop shaking. How do you explain to 3 guys that they could all be your baby's father? Fuck this was going to be so awkward. You heard the doorbell ring. Z reassured you and said she would go open it. You wondered who it could be. Tom? Harry? No, it had to be Richard, he was the only one that kind of knew what was going on. You look over and see Harry.
"Hey y/n/n, are you okay? Your message kind of scared me," he says while walking over to you and hugging you. You hug him back and say "yeah I'm okay, but there's something that I have to tell you but we're just waiting for a few more people."
"Oh okay," he says taking a seat across from you.
"So how have you been? You look a lot better from the last time I saw you," he says.
"Um I've been okay, what about you? Do you want something to drink or anything?" you asked. He asked for some water and while getting him a bottle you hear the doorbell ring again. Fuck. Z answered the and walked in Richard. "There in the living room," you hear her say.
"Hey, how are you feeling? I've missed you." Richard says pulling you into a hug. You just stand there and said fine, not embracing back his hug.
"Do you want something to drink?" you ask him and he says no, so you tell him to go join Harry in the living room.
"HARRY? Really y/n! Cmon I thought you knew better." he says visibly mad.
"Richard do NOT get me started because if you happened to forget, your the reason why I'm in this miss. If you hadn't I don't know... maybe stayed loyal and not cheated on me we probably wouldn't be in this mess. So go sit down and shut the fuck up because I'm not going to deal with you. Oh and your MORE than welcome to leave because I clearly don't need you here." you say. He stands there quietly for a minute and then goes in the living room and you hear him and Harry exchange a few words. Then the doorbell rings again. Tom's here. Z gets up and answers the door and greats him in. you hear Tom ask Z if everything was okay and why he was here, Z replies back 'don't worry you'll find out soon', and leads into the living room. You decide to walk out of the kitchen and joining everyone. Tom notices you and gets up and greats you with a hug and kiss on the cheek. His hug was the only one that you actually held onto and needed.
"Are you okay? If you don't want to be here we can leave." he asks you while still in your embrace.
"That sounds amazing but I need to do this," you say pulling out of his hug. And taking a seat next where everyone could see you.
"I bet your all wondering why you're here huh," you say trying to lighten up the mood. Everyone in the room hated Richard, and Richard hated Tom a lot more than Harry, and Tom hated Richard a lot more than Harry, and Harry was just Harry. Being the nicest one to all the guys.
"Okayyy, well um... i don't even know how to say this," you said shakily, you looked over at Z and she smiles at you.
"Okay ill say it. Y/n is pregnant and one of you three is the dad," she says. You look around the room and noticed everyone's faces. Harry had an "oh fuck" face, relatable. Richard had a "I'm VERY confident that I'm the dad" face and smirking. Then there was Tom. Tom was the only one smiling.
"Your pregnant?" he asked you.
"Yeah." you said quietly. He got up and kneeled down next to you and grabbed your hands and held them in his own.
"How far along are you? Hows the baby? Is he healthy? Wait her healthy? Wait do you know what it is?" he asked all excited. What the hell. You were not expecting this reaction from him.
"Um yeah I'm a little over 11 weeks and i'm in my first trimester, and yeah the baby's healthy, and no I don't know what it is yet," you told him.
"Ummm did you forget Tom that she doesn't know who the father is? Because im 100% sure that it's me." Richard says confidently. Tom stood up and looked at him.
"Yeah I wouldn't be so sure about that buddy," Tom says.
"Why do you say that?" Richard says getting up and walking towards Tom. fuck. Toxic masculinity ruins the party again.
"Okay, both of you sit down so I can explain some things to you," you say. You looked over at Harry and see that he's having a hard time processing this information. You walked over to him and asked if he was okay.
"Can we go outside to talk?" he asked you and you said yes and led him into the balcony. You both take a seat next to each other and still saw Richard and Tom arguing, but ignored them because it didn't look like it was going to get physical yet.
"Whats up? Are you okay?" you asked him. You looked over at you and kissed you. He pulled away and held onto your hands.
"Y/n/n, did you forget what we did that night? We didn't have that type of sex where a baby is made, sweetheart. " he told you. Then you remembered. How could you forget that. Oh GOSH. This was so embarrassing.
"Yeah, I seem to just be getting back my memories. I am so sorry i brought you into this mess. This is so fucking embarrassing." you said cringing and holding your face into your hands.
"Sweetheart, it's okay!" he said laughing a little.
"It was a great fucking time, and i'm sure you probably had your first case of pregnancy brain right now. But now you know that i'm not the father. I mean i do wish it was me. I really do. But it's not right of me to keep this to myself and deprive them of knowing. You know i always did wonder what having a family would be like with you and today i got a small glimpse and I wish I could've held onto that more." He said quietly.
"Oh, I'm so sorry Harry. I really didn't remember. I always wondered if we would ever get together and what it would be like, but that's gonna be on hold for a while. " you said quietly as well. You looked at him and saw tears brimming the corner of his eyes.
"I'm really happy for you y/n/n. I know your gonna be a great mom. Oh, and if the baby is Richards, don't get back together with him. Give old Tommy Boy a chance. I can tell that kid really loves you." he says, you smiled and said okay. You walked him out to the door and said sorry again.
"Love don't be sorry if you EVER need anything, im here, and please send me updates, I still wanna be this baby's uncle. Well in context that sounds weird but you know what i mean!" he says kissing your cheek goodbye.
    Well now you knew that Harry couldn't be the father so that left you with Tom and Richard. You walked out and saw that both Tom and Richard had been talking and sitting very quietly. You were very confused and walked into the kitchen, where Z was.
"How did you get them to calm down?" you asked her grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.
"Well, I looked into the fridge and realized we didn't have any food, but then i saw that you had your beers in there and since you can't drink them anymore I walked over and gave them beers and they calmed down. Men's minds fascinated me." she says. "So what happened to Harry? Did he freak out?" she asked you.
"Um no actually he helped me out. He reminded me that we had the sex we had would not get me pregnant. And i completely forgot about it and that conversation was very awkward. But it ended good. He was really sweet about it." you told her.
"Well that just leaves those two huh? How close are the dates? Like when you and Tom had sex and when you and Richard did it?" she asked you.
"Well I know for sure Tom and I the first time was around 2 1/2 months ago, but Richard was like a week after so I'm not sure how that works," you say. You walked back into the living room and sat down. You didn't realize how out of breath you were from all the walking and sat down.
"Okay. Harry just helped me realize that um... it wasn't possible for him to be the dad. That's all I'm going to say. So he's not the dad, and that means he's out." you said. Tom nodded and Richard just looked at you.
"What's the soonest you can get a paternity test?" asked Richard.
"I can get one whenever it's just having to schedule the appointment, so I'll have Jonathan email you guys asking when your both free so we can do it at the same time," you said.
"Okay yeah sounds good, just tell when and I'll cancel everything just to go." said looked over to him and smiled and said thank you.
"Well, I don't know if I can go with all of us together. I have a big movie coing upland I can't get any sort of publicity that'll bring it down." said Richard.
"Well so do Tom and I. We have a huge movie coming up and if this gets out before the premiere we could be in serious trouble so that why I think that if we just go and get this all done together it'll be a lot easier. And the place where my doctor is at is super secure. They close down the whole office and signed a document stating that they won't give out any information and if they do then you can like take them to court and sue them. Its a really secure place Rich, and I really think you should consider going with us." you say. Richard looks at you and says "Have Jonathan email my assistant and I'll see, is there anything else you need to tell us or are you done? Because I really need to head out."
"Oh. Um no, that's it. You can leave now." you said in a quiet voice. He gets up and pats your shoulder and tells you to call him if you need anything. You just nod your head and say okay.
That just left you and Tom in the living room. Z had gone out to go get some dinner with her friends, but not before making sure that you were okay.
"God, I hate it so much. He's such a douchebag to you. Like it's not that hard for us to go all together. This could be his baby just as much as it can be mine. Ugh, I'm sorry babe I dont mean to stress you out. How are you feeling? What do you want for dinner? Wanna go out or want me to make something?" he asked you while cuddling you. You didnt realize it till now but he had his hand on your belly and was stroking it. You looked up to him and kissed him.
"Tom I don't wanna scare you into anything and i wont want to force you into doing this if you don't want too." You told him. He pulled a little away from you and stared at you.
"Hey, I don't EVER want you to think that I don't want to be here. I want this. Bad. Even if the baby isn't mine I still wanna be there with you and do this. Y/n. I love you." he said with a serious tone. You were shocked. You already knew that you loved Tom but you didn't want to tell him because you were scared. You hadn't been in love with anyone else in a long time. The last person you had loved was Richard and look how that turned out. You got really emotional and started to cry.
"Hey hey don't cry. I'm sorry I didnt meant to make you cry babe." he says while pulling you back in.
"No, no it's not that it's just that I love you too but I haven't like loved anyone in a long time and I'm just so happy with you and I don't want that to change if it turns out the baby isnt yours. And I don't wanna lose you," you say in between cries. He pulled you closer and kissed your forehead.
"You know you can't get rid of me that easily right? And so what if the babies not mine. You know I would still help you raise them, we'd just have to worry about Richard, but babe you're not gonna get rid of me that easily. Now we're gonna go across the street and get some groceries and make dinner because I can tell that you also a little hangry and I bet the baby is starving, so come on." he said pulling you up. You smiled and said okay. You changed into some more comfortable clothes and started walking across the street with Tom. Right before you walked out of the condo building you, you looked over at Tom. "I love you." you said right before you kissed him. You felt him smile and say back "I love you too" in the kiss.

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