The Hunters Die, and Percy Might Not Lose His Balls After All

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Percy PoV

Artemis cleared her throat, saying she had an announcement to make, and that it involved a male. Her Hunters snapped to attention, glaring at me. "Now girls," Artemis started, "I order you not to take action until I have completely finished my explanation. Zeus and Poseidon have ended their feud, and to commemorate it, Zeus has lifted my maiden oath, as well as arrange a marriage between Perseus and me. Neither of us can do anything in fear of bringing back the feud, and Perseus had no input as he had actually proposed to his girlfriend that night, only to be turned down. Seen as how neither of us has any interest in romantics at the moment, the Hunt can stay intact. Okay, now my explanation is finished."

Immediately after she said that, of course, a select few of the Hunters *ahem, all except Thalia, ahem* started attacking me, all of which I avoided, and they eventually tired out.

Suddenly, there was a roar from behind me, and I turned just in time to get ploughed over by my good friend, the Minotaur. I kicked him in the jaw, uncapped Riptide, and decapitated the monster. When I had finished, an army of monsters, thousands strong, attacked. They went for me and Artemis first, using those power cancelling cuffs Hephaestus had made. I jumped back into the fray as I had done so many times during the wars, and heard a scream coming from Thalia. I ran over, destroying all the monsters in my path, and saw Thalia, laying on the ground, dead, a dagger sticking out of the side of her chest.

Once again, everyone heard a roar, but this time, it came from me. I charged a drakon, jumping straight into its mouth, and dove through, Riptide slicing its insides and turning it to dust as I kept running, intent on killing every monster. Nobody hurts my family. I didn't realize until all the monsters were golden dust, that their roars had been intermixed with the screams of the Hunters. Not a single stood standing. There were only three alive, scratch that, one, Artemis.

I ran over to her. "Artemis, I'm so so so sorry. If only I had been faster..."

Artemisvheld up her hand for me to stop. "I-it's fine, Perseus. The Fates decided that they would die today, a-and, so they did."

I took a dagger off an empousa, cutting the braces off me, and doing the same to Artemis. "There, they are all in the Underworld, awaiting judgement." Whispered a distraught Artemis after she clicked her fingers.
I flashed us to the living room of my palace, back on Olympus, where we were cleaned, healed, and in fresh clothes. Artemis' tears, instead of barely trickling down, were now flowing freely. I wrapped her in a hug, and she stuttered, "D-don't touch me, b-boy."

I held her tighter and said, "Artemis, it's alright to depend on someone. Crying, showing grief, it doesn't mean you are weak, it means you care." Artemis hesitated, but her tried overtook her hatred of the male race, and she sobbed into my chest, eventually exhausting herself to the point where she fell asleep. I carried her to my bed, tucked her in, and left a note on the nightstand, saying-

Hey, Artemis,

I hope your nap made you feel better. I truly am sorry about what happened. You shouldn't blame yourself. I'm just around the palace if you want to talk.

I was actually down in the training room, working on my archery, which had actually gotten a lot better. I was shooting eights and nines, maybe a few bullseyes.

After, like, five more hours of practice, I was usually able to hit the bullseye.

I heard a voice behind me. "Well, Percy, you really are full of surprises. I have heard you are the worst archer in history!"

I smiled at Artemis. "Hey, practice does help, and I thought that if I was decent at archery, you will have less reason to hate me." I stepped closer to her. "On another note, Artemis, I know what it's like to lose someone close to you. Are you okay?" Artemis shivered, and shook her head. I took off my blue hoodie, and draped it around the goddess' shoulders.

She said, "I still don't approve of our fathers' actions, but you had no say in this either, so I guess I can't hate you for that. However; rest assured, I will find some reason to hate you."

Suddenly she fell to the floor, me catching her before she hit the ground. I pulled her back up, and our faces were mere centimetres apart. My breath tickled her face as I said, "You should rest, Artemis, you've just temporarily lost quite a bit of power." I picked Artemis up, laying her in the couch, where she promptly fell asleep. I made some popcorn, and flicked on a documentary about sharks. It was funny, cause I could understand everything the sharks were saying.

Artemis started to stir, and I set down the popcorn, crouching done close to where her face was. "Hey sleepyhead, are you hungry?" I was answered by her stomach growling. "Alright, what will you like to eat?"

She told me that she wanted Mac 'n Cheese, so I made a really big bowl where the macaroni was blue and silver. We shifted around for a bit, and Artemis ended up in my lap. And I had a boner, crap. Thankfully, she didn't seem to notice. I spooned a bit of food into her mouth. "I can feed myself, boy. I'm not helpless." She spat.

I snorted and handed her the spoon. When both of us had had our fill, I whisked the bowl away, turning my attention to the beautiful silvery-eyed goddess in my lap. Artemis blushed golden, trying her best to hide it. Then I blushed golden, my boner getting even stronger, if possible.

Aphrodite flashed into the room, wearing some very revealing clothes.

I averted my eyes, and she bent down, her voice laced with charmspeak. "Come with me, Percy. You know you want to, come on. I can show you a great time, get rid of that pesky virginity of yours."

I continued to look away, and was about to say something, but Artemis beat me to it. "Leave, you slut. Percy clearly isn't interested, and I won't be having you corrupt the only decent man on the planet." Aphrodite huffed and flashed away. Then Artemis turned to me. "Good boy. You have yet to give me a reason to hate you, other than your gender, of course." I grinned, and Artemis kissed me on the cheek. "Now come, as much as I would like to miss it, we have to go to Hera's to get officially married."

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