Going to the Movies

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Percy PoV

Life is good. Artemis is safe, the world isn't facing impending doom, and Artemis and I are happy. I rested my chin on her shoulder as she looked onward, staring off into space. "Hey, Arty, l was wondering if you wanted to go out to the movies?" Artemis nodded, turning to peck me on the cheek. We got off the bed, changing into casual attire.

Rubbing the ring on her finger, Artemis mumbled, "At first, I hated the idea of being married to you. Now, I love you, and I couldn't be happier to have you by my side."

We flashed to the movie theatre, browsing the options. She stopped to look at the poster for IT, and I told her there were better options, which just made her more adamant about going to see it. "Two tickets for the IT showing at 4:30 please, and a mixed popcorn with two drinks. Thanks." I said to the cashier, who was checking out my wife. I paid, he handed me the stuff, then I glared at him and we walked away.

Let's just say, by the end of the movie, Artemis was squeezing my hand so tight that I felt like it was broken, and she was wishing she'd just picked a different movie. I flashed us back home, where we watched RED 2, making Artemis completely forget about Georgie's death. We went to bed, nothing important really happening over the weeks to come.

One day, Artemis's hand brushed over my crotch as she reached for a book, and she stopped reaching for the book on the nightstand, instead shifting so she lay on top of me. Crap, she noticed my boner. Her hands travelled under my shirt, my boner snapping into further attention. I flipped us, kissing her hard on the lips. When we broke apart, she flipped us so she was straddling me. "Percy, I want-No, I need you. Now." She tugged both of our shirts off before I pressed my lips back onto hers.

My mouth travelled down her neck, making her moan as my hands crept up her back, unclasping her bra. Artemis snapped her fingers, making our pants move from our legs to the floor. I kissed her on the lips, "Are you absolutely sure you want this, Moonbeam? I wanna make sure you're ready." Artemis nodded, sliding down and pulling off my boxers. She started sucking me off, much to my pleasure. She pulled away just as I came, resulting in her breasts and face getting covered in the stuff.

I crawled over her in a push-up position, kissing her before moving further downward, pulling off her underwear with my teeth. "P-Percy," she gasped as her feminine areas were revealed and my breath bears down upon it. I blew into her again, making her thighs quiver. I stuck my tongue into her, earning a loud gasp and moan. Shortly, I heard her scream with pleasure, and tasted her cum stream into my mouth. I shifted so we were face to face, Artemis panting with a dazed expression across her face.

Artemis kissed me, and I returned with passion. My hands started playing with her breasts, causing her to moan more. I felt heat start to emit from between her legs and traced my fingers along her body. "Percy, stop teasing," I smirked and slid my middle finger inside of her, causing her to gasp. She shifted so she was blowing me while I played with her feminine areas. She moaned onto my dick, sending me to the edge as I ate her out while simultaneously pumping two fingers inside of her. She shifted so she was straddling me, and I released, my cum shooting all over her face and breasts. Artemis hovered over me, loosening her grip, dropping on top of me. "PEERRRCCCCYYYYY!" She screamed in pain/pleasure. I started pumping in and out of her, fondling her breasts as her walls clamped around my dick. She came hard, and did so several times since I'd found her sweet spot. I came into her, and we fell asleep shortly after I'd pulled out.

The next morning, when I awoke, I realized where my dick was, and it almost immediately started to harden, only quickening when my Artemis woke up, shifting around. "D'you wanna solve that problem you've got at the moment?" She teased. Artemis pushed backwards, me holding her hips as she bucked, gasping at the feeling of me inside her again. Artemis got into a doggy style position, and I slammed into her, causing Artemis to yell out in pleasure. When we were finished, Artemis went to stand up, and fell down,

"Gods, Percy. My legs are so sore!"

"I can help with that." I laid her on the bed, massaging her thighs as my mouth played with her breast. Artemis was moaning and gasping as I pumped my fingers in and out of her. "Well, not really, but it made you feel good," I smirked, picking Artemis up, and carrying her to the shower. After bathing and clothing, I carried her to breakfast, and the rest of our day was pretty mellow, just being lazy and watching TV.

About 2 weeks later, Artemis walked up to me, sitting in my lap. "Hey, Percy, you always wanted a child, right?" I nodded, wondering where the conversation was going. "Good, 'cause, I, I'm pregnant."

My eyes bulged. "Really? That's great! I mean, I've been told being pregnant sucks, but, having a baby! We'll be parents!"

Artemis laughed at my antics, kissing me on the cheek. "It's good to see you're excited, Percy. I had this bad feeling you didn't want them."

Artemis PoV

Percy frowned, pulling me into his heartwarming embrace. "Don't ever think like that, Arty. I will always stay with you. We're a family." I kissed him, my arms going around his neck as his hands roamed my body. I moaned. I'm near a hundred percent certain the child will have siblings.

I was right.

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