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Artemis PoV

I saw the loving eyes of my husband filled with concern, and somehow knew I was safe. I closed my eyes, allowing Percy to clean me. I felt him cradling my body muttering his apologies, and how stupid he was. I opened my eyes, leaning into my lover's chest. "Are you alright, Artemis?"

I nodded. Percy hadn't called me by my full name in what seemed like forever, always some strangely endearing nickname. "I'm fine, Percy. Thank you for saving me."

Percy held me tighter, laying down on the bed. "I will always protect you, love. Forever and ever, I will always be by your side. I will never leave you." I pressed my face into the crook of his neck, falling asleep in my lover's arms.

I was awoken by Percy's lips on my own. I stretched, my first mistake. Percy had somehow figured that l was ticklish. Using one hand to hold my arms above my head, my lover used the other to tickle my sides. My laughter transformed into a moan when his hand brushed over my breast. Percy released my hand, apologizing profusely. I took his hand, guiding it back to my breast. Bringing his lips to my own, my arms wrapped around his neck as his hands roamed my body. When we stopped, Percy started nuzzling my neck. I was finally able to gasp out, "Best. Wake up call. Ever." My husband gave me that endearing smile of his, kissing my neck.

We went for a walk outside, and were met with a large explosion. Percy shielded my body with his own, so I was unscathed. But Percy was a different story.

He was covered in cuts and scrapes, shrapnel embedding itself in his skin. He was also unconscious. l flashed him to my brother's temple. Apollo did his magic, saying that he was free to go, and needed rest. I flashed us back to the bed, curling into him, pulling the covers over us.

When I awoke, it was of my own accord, and not Percy's. Though, he was awake. I kissed him passionately, though he remained unresponsive. I pulled away, figuring something was wrong. "Percy, what's wrong?"

Percy gulped, "W-who's Percy? A-and where am I? Who am I? What's going on? Who are you?"

My heart was being squeezed again. No, my Percy couldn't have amnesia. "You're Percy. You're on Olympus, in our palace. I'm Artemis, your wife. There was an explosion, and you got amnesia."

"Oh." was the only thing he said. I sighed, looking past him, at his guitar. I felt his hand atop my own. "Don't worry, Artemis, I'm sure we can get rid of this amnesia. Besides, I would like to get to know them, pretty lady, I fell in love with. I'm pretty sure that doing normal tasks would jog my memory."

I blushed, and said, "Well, you play the guitar." Percy nodded, pulling me into his lap so I was leaning against him as he strummed his guitar absentmindedly. His strums started to gain a form, and he started singing.

At the end of his performance, he kissed me on the cheek, "Well, that was weird, Moonbeam, but I remember you." I smiled, and he continued, setting down his guitar. "Now, I do believe I owe you a kiss." With that, he captured my lips in his own, filling the kiss with passion and love.

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