Annabitch, Aphrobitch, and Erobastard

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Artemis PoV

When I awoke, the first thing I heard was the booming voice of my father, "Ah, good, my grandchildren are being conceived! I say they should be named Skylar or Bolt!"

Percy and I blushed gold. "Father!" I squealed, "We did nothing of the sort, just sleeping! And if any children are to be had, Percy and I will come up with their names!" Zeus snorted and flashed away, leaving a scorch mark on the carpet that Percy fixed.

My husband leaned over, kissing me on the cheek. "What would you like for breakfast, love?"

I turned bright gold at his nickname. "Uh...ah, um, surprise me, Kelp Head." Percy smiled, pulling me into his lap.

"Can I kiss you?" he suddenly asked. I nodded, not having paid attention to what he had just asked. Percy pressed his lips against my own, my arms and legs wrapping around his neck and waist. I slid my tongue against his mouth, him parting his lips as our tongues battled for dominance. Eventually, I won, exploring his mouth. Percy started nibbling on my lip, causing me to moan. When we finally broke apart, I said breathlessly, "I think I could get used to this."

Percy smiled, pulling me over to the dining table. He pulled out a chair for me, sitting down in the chair next to mine, and snapping his fingers. A breakfast banquet appeared on the table, making my mouth water. Percy loaded his plate, stuffing his chiselled face with food. I did the same, in a more proper manner of course. When we were finished with our breakfast, Percy whisked away the dishes, pulling me closer as he whispered, "I wanna show you something, Moonbeam." I nodded, flashing into jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers, as Percy did the same while he grabbed my hand, flashing us away.

We appeared in a clearing. It was secluded, so others didn't know it was there, and it had a magnificent view of the entire camp, ocean, and skyline. I gasped at its beauty, and Percy squeezed my hand. "Do you not like it, love? We can leave if you want." Percy pressed his lips against my forehead.

I laughed softly, kissing him on the lips. "It's incredible, Percy. You can see everything from here." Percy smiled, and we then saw a commotion near the borders.

Flashing to the problem, Percy quickly dispatched the problem, and turned to me, only to be tackled by his ex-girlfriend, Annabeth. "Percy, I thought about my decision, and I realize it was the wrong one. I kept the ring, and I do love you. So, I was thinking-"

I was about to cut off the girl, but my husband beat me to it. "Annabeth, that's not a possibility. My hand in marriage was a one time offer, and since you turned it down, has been taken up by another. I am a married man, and I shall not participate in any romantic activities with anyone
other than my wife."

Annabeth was about to say something, but was cut off by Nico running up to him, shouting, "Percy! Don't listen to her! Annabeth only wants to become immortal and powerful, she doesn't love you!" Percy smiled and thanked Nico, bidding him goodbye before flashing us back to our temple.

Suddenly, Percy cupped my cheek, kissing me hard on the lips. It was a kiss filled with passion and love, leaving me breathless when he pulled away. I smiled lazily at him, enjoying his warm embrace. "Shall we try that again, Arty?" I nodded, and Percy flashed us back to the secluded spot he had shown me earlier.

Something shiny descended from the sky, and we approached it, our minds numbed from the kiss we had shared just moments ago. Several golden wires trapped us, Aphrodite and Eros chuckling as they flashed in. They grabbed us by the shoulders, flashing us to what I'm sure was one of the rooms in Aphrodite's palace. Cuffing me to a wall, Eros grabbed my clothes, tearing them off, and started touching me in ways that I might've just barely not exploded at Percy for doing. The vile excuse for a god started licking my privates, and I started screaming profanities.

Eros slapped me, in an attempt to shut me up, causing me to scream more. Eros struck me again and again as he did despicable things to my body. Eventually, though still struggling, I had been gagged and blindfolded. Suddenly, it stopped. I was uncuffed from the wall, and engulfed in strong arms as my blindfold and gag were removed.

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