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Todoroki's POV

I'm not one to swear but my God my life is shitty my childhood was shitty my hero experience is shitty my Family shitty I'm missing one of my brothers because of my shitty dad atleast I have mido- I stand there Starstruck as I see the green freckled boy making out with Ochako Uraraka and I almost dropped my phone and before I could let any motions got out I took a picture and left.2 minutes later he texted me and have the audacity to call me babe.

Text chat
T: why are you talkin to me
D: because we're dating??

Text chatT: why are you talkin to meD: because we're dating??T:

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D: it's not what it looks like
T: Fuck you❤

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I guess my life is more shity then I saw it thanks...Deku .It's been about 2 hours and I blocked Deku on everything.Not many people know this about me but I love playing the ukulele I have one in my closet in my room in the dorms and three at home but I had to hide them because my father does not approve of it but f*** him I climb out my window onto the fire escape and get onto the roof.I start playing Fireflies by Owl City it's like my favourite song all of a sudden I start hearing noises but I ignore them until it started to sound like someone was climbing the fire escape and it got closer slowly I tried to find a place to hide my ukulele but my stupid self forgot I was on the roof and panicked even more cuz I have no place to hide it.

Bakugou's POV
I've been hearing noises from the roof and it's getting f****** annoying I wanted to go to sleep early like I always do but I didn't because an annoying sound that was very faded kept playing is that the climb onto the roof to see it as I slowly start reaching the top I've noticed that it's icy hot frantically panicking with a tiny guitar"Oi, mama's boy mine not playing that on repeat it's annoying some of us are trying to sleep f***ing a$$" the icythot snaps back at me "you're the only one trying to sleep dumbass while the rest of us are normal teens who don't want to go to sleep even though we have school at like freaking 7am" I was shocked but curious" what are you doing up here anyways even playing a stupid sad sound on Loop for the past 10 minutes" I said " as if I'd ever tell you and why do you want to know" he looked away as if he was about to start crying that's when I remembered walking into the common room and seeing round face and the green haired dumbass making out I'd never think he'd do anything like that especially since I've known him since we were kids I guess Todoroki saw it too I slowly climb onto the roof and sit next to he's never really shown any emotion other than his love for soba him being angry at his dad the only other time I've seen him this sad was well accidentally eavesdropping on how he got his scar and there weren't even tears just sadness "okay I know I'm bad with feelings I know what happened and I know you probably don't care but I've never seen you this sad before you seem really hurt" I slowly move my hands closer to him he flinches for then calms down wraps his arms tightly around my chest I do the same patting him on the back " okay look Todoroki I'll give you any favour no-questions-asked no-strings-attached whenever you want one" he looks at me and total 'ah' as if his this was all a dream he shakes his head try to get the look off his face taking his arms from around me and we look forward at the sunset"oh thanks I guess I never really thought of you as the sympathetic type" he smiles and I let out a soft chuckle but then covering my mouth instantly I look at him in fear" I swear to God icythot if you tell a single soul will be the last thing you ever say" he Giggles as if it's a crappy joke in one of those old sh*tty sitcoms" your secret's safe with me"he says" in the facts so you know I am serious that I won't tell I'll give you some blackmail on me I play the ukulele I played it since I was about 5 without my father knowing and I own four different ukuleles and I ordered a new one and yes I've been using his credit card I bought so many unneeded things" he pulls out his tiny guitar or is he would say ukulele and it's pink with little red flowers on it some of the flowers have snowflakes next to it. He's such a nice person I don't know why I'm so mean to him.Wait what?Fucking Icythot and his tiny guitar......" yes bakugou? Did you say something" "no f*** off"

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