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Bakugou's POV
I walk into the common room to see deku pressing his lips against todoroki's and I flip out I set the common room on fire with  my explosions no one can tell what's happening until the fog settled I'm guessing someone's on my walk off because someone said my name I didn't look back I just walked off I didn't think I'd be alone on a Saturday especially with the fact that I'm normally on the roof talking to someone I guess my mom is right "don't tell anyone anything cuz they're eventually going to stab you right in the back using your words as the knife" I should have listened to her you mean she is not dead so it's not too late but if I tell her now right here right now she'll know that I'm weak I'm curled up in a ball sitting in my room and I hear a knock at the door" YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO BACK AWAY BEFORE I SET YOUR WHOLE DAMN DORM ON FIRE EXTRA" the knocking stops and I'm kind of surprised because no one normally listens they just keep knocking then deal with the consequences about three minutes later I hear clicking metal I looked over at my window to see Todoroki knocking on the glass I open the window pulling him in and let him fall to the ground of my bedroom"Ow the hell?!" Todoroki cries" why didn't you open the door?" "Why should I open the door to some stupid useless bastard? Todoroki looks of at me in pure shock I noticed tears rolling down my cheeks and I guess Todoroki notice them too because he asked me what was wrong" I whisper shout because my voice keeps cracking cuz I'm crying" what's f****** wrong is the fact that you and your dumbass starts crying about stupid Deku months ago bugging  me  with you're stupid ukulele music and then I walk into the common room and I see you and the broccoli green hair and looking ass f****** b**** making out and at least if you're going to do that get a room!!!!" Todoroki sat their silent that's another knock at the door came it was Mina she walked in without anyone opening the door cuz the door was unlocked she sat next to Todoroki pulled out her phone and showed me video *it was a midoriya forcing himself onto Todoroki and Todoroki constantly trying to push him off" then a loud explosion clouds of smoke and Fire and a little ash blonde blob walking away* after watching the video I sat with my face in the palm of my hands" I'm sorry Todoroki" my voice rang even though muffled from my hand with more tears streaming down my face Mina gets up and says "Todoroki texted me noticing that I was in the room asking if I got any of that on video I told him yes and he told me to come with him to your dorm just in case I heard you whisper shouting it was very faint and muffled but I knew that it was you because Todoroki would have been talking normally you aren't normally quiet so I knew this was a big deal" then she exits the room leaving me and Todoroki sitting face-to-face he has now sat  right next to me on my bed he asked me if I wanted to have our roof chat in my room I agree as he's already in here and it's about 8 a clock way later than I'm normally up I just noticed that he had a bag I asked him about it and he opened it and pulls out to onesies one about my size and one for him I assumed" you said you liked red pandas and I told you I like normal pandas so I got you a red panda and I got a normal Panda onesie I was supposed to give it to you on the roof but I don't think we're going up there today so if you want to put it on you can I want to put mine on so I'm going to go change in the bathroom" he told me. he looked worried to leave me alone when he came back he looked amazing in the panda onesie I was already wearing my red panda onesie.

Third person POV
"Why did you freak out today" Todoroki asked bakugou
"I don't know I just saw it and hated it I can't explain it" he responded embarrassed" do me?Is that why you freaked out so bad?Is that why you've been putting up with me? Todoroki questioned "its that obvious" bakugou said as he wiped a tear from his eye as soon as the water fell off his face he said Todoroki approaching rapidly missing their lips together surprisingly softly making bakugou's eyes widened as todoroki's arms wrapped around the boys waist.Bakugo slowly wrapped his arms around his neck.Todoroki pulled bakugou up on his lap to get a better grasp on Bakugou.When they pulled apart for air you could see the fireworks with only a string of saliva connecting their lips. This time todoroki's eyes widen at something behind bakugou. Fast is a chance to see Mina standing in the doorway with her phone taking pictures and quietly fangirling" I'm sorry I just I forgot something here and..." bakugou looked back at Todoroki and said "as long as you're not going to tell anyone post about it or text about it I'm totally fine" Todoroki and Mina looked at each other in confusion Santa realized bakugou was asleep Mina left the dorm and Todoroki put bakugou down to sleep on his bed bakugou pulled todoroki's onesie making him fall onto the bed bakugou wrapped his arm around Todoroki and Todoroki did the same they cuddled together as they spell asleep together❤

" bakugou looked back at Todoroki and said "as long as you're not going to tell anyone post about it or text about it I'm totally fine" Todoroki and Mina looked at each other in confusion Santa realized bakugou was asleep Mina left the dorm and To...

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