ONE | Idiot

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Neither Virgil nor Patton weren't quite sure what to expect once arriving. After Remus and Roman gave them the spiel of who they were and what the mission behind the Tiny Shelter, they escorted them to their room. It was more spacious than their previous home, but not as large as the cage. There were already nails embedded in the walls near the entrance and what looked like a sink made from the base of a plastic cup. There was even a set of washcloths and what looked like memory foam on a popsicle stick frame in the corner.

"I know," said Remus. "Absolutely drab. I told Thomas to bring us some paint or chalk. Something to spruce up the joint but..."

"It's perfect," interrupted Patton accidentally, speaking more to himself than the others. Roman's grin reached his ears.

"Excellent. See?" said Roman as he slapped Remus' shoulder. "I knew they'd like it. We'll leave and let you two get settled. Logan. Jay. Your rooms are a little farther ahead and up on the next floor. Sorry it's a little way up, but it's a good problem when the closer rooms fill up, right?" The four of them nodded, still adjusting to the idea they were finally free – at least, free in Thomas's home. Just as Roman and Remus turned to leave, Roman snapped his fingers, remembering something.

"Oh, one quick thing. It's certainly not mandatory or anything, but our resident medic will probably want to take a look at your leg," said Roman as he pointed to Patton's injured leg. "Don't worry. She's really sweet and gentle. Knows practically everything about science and all sorts of random tidbits, but not braggadocios or arrogant."

"Yeah," agreed Remus, interrupting his twin. "She's worked some serious miracles with injuries. From broken to dislocated, she'll get you back on your feet."

Roman sighed and continued his initial thought. "You can go see her tomorrow or, if you want, we can come back and you can meet her today. Whatever you feel like." Virgil and Patton exchanged unsure glances, torn between getting some well-earned rest and helping Patton's leg get back to normal. Even Jay and Logan seemed interesting in meeting this magical physician.

"Could she just come by later tonight? After we get settled?" asked Virgil. Both Roman and Remus bit their lower lip simultaneously, looking reluctant.

"That's going to be kinda hard, you see, because she's human," said Remus. At the word human, all four borrowers flinched, a static tension enveloping them for several seconds.

"Way to be smooth," muttered Roman. "Anyway. Yes, Ali is human. She's a paramedic by night, resident medical professional and material provider during the day. She even fills in as chef when Thomas is busy."

"She's really good about the 'no touching, holding, grabbing' rules we've set in place," chimed in Remus. Their positive spin did not negate the fact the borrowers absorbed first. Human.

"Look, we know the last thing you want to do is go reveal yourselves and talk to a human, but, like I said, it's not mandatory. She just likes meeting newcomers and will do basically anything to make adjusting easier," said Roman. "You don't have to show yourselves if you don't want to. My brother and I were going to get some supplies anyway and thought we would extend the invitation. Just think it over." They all glanced nervously at one another.

"We'll talk it over," said Patton as he leaned into Virgil's shoulder. Logan and Jay simply nodded. Remus and Roman nodded before pointing up the wall.

"You two are up this way," said Remus. Finally, after months of torment and captivity, Virgil and Patton were alone in the privacy of the walls of a place they could call home. Virgil helped Patton to the bed. It was soft and smelled like fresh laundry. The Christmas lights which hung in the room provided a warm, homey feeling to their one room.

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