TWENTY-ONE | Strategic

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"You can't avoid this."

"I'm not trying to," stated Ali, her back still to Thomas.

"Sooner or later, you'll have to see her again."

"And I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." Thomas stared disbelievingly at Ali.

"You didn't even go back to your room last night," pointed out Thomas.

"Because I was keeping an eye on Vi," explained Ali.

"Right, that's the only reason?"

"That's the only reason." There was a deliberate beat of silence followed by Thomas's sigh.

"Look, I'm not trying to pick a fight first thing in the morning. I don't mean to sound patronizing and I'm not... I'm a Hufflepuff by nature and don't seek conflict for kicks. I just want to make sure that you're both all right." Ali had to agree with him. "Just... please. Just talk to her."

Ali turned around and leaned against the doorframe, arms folded across her chest. A slight agitation gripped the reins, begging her to retort snarkily. She knew better. Instead, she inhaled sharply and stared into Thomas's soft brown eyes.

"Have you seen her?" asked Ali. Thomas, with a slight eye roll, shook his head.

"You know better than anyone Hickory is the best at not being seen when she doesn't want to be," Thomas replied. Ali's eyebrows raised as she nodded slowly.

"Exactly, on both counts. If Hickory doesn't want to be seen or noticed, she's not going to be. Also, I do know her better than anyone," pointed out Ali. Thomas bristled, but Ali held up a single finger indicating she wasn't done. "With that being said, there's no point in trying to find her unless I go up to my room and assess the situation."

"And what are you going to do if she's not there? She was obviously upset, Ali. What if she does something reckless? Well... more reckless than usual. What if she goes outside to the yard or worse? What if she leaves to go to another house? We can't protect her if she leaves." Thomas made a lot of valid points. Hickory was prone to reckless behavior, but she wasn't stupid – or, at least, the jury was out on that one.

"Then that's what she does," replied Ali. Thomas sighed despondently and scratched the back of his head.

"How can you just say it like that? She's your friend, unless she's not anymore. Are you really not concerned with what happens to her?" asked Thomas, he and Ali both keeping their voices slightly hushed as to not disrupt the others.

"Don't take it like that, Thomas," sighed Ali. "I only meant that Hickory is free to do as she wishes. That's what this place is for. If she wants to leave, she can. It's not a prison. I hope she hasn't gone somewhere else, but I don't know. Honestly, I don't know where she could be."

"I know, but look..."

"No, you look," interrupted Ali, stepping forward within a foot of Thomas. He was alarmed at the sudden close distance, but Ali reached out and gripped his arm, preventing him from stepping away. "It's all strategic." Ali glanced around as if she were afraid her next words would be overheard.

"Strategic? What do you mean?" Thomas whispered loudly. Ali's jaw clenched, nerves seizing her insides. She swore she wouldn't tell. She swore she would keep those sacred memories private. Could she betray her promise for the sake of assuring Thomas everything would be okay? She gestured for Thomas to follow and walked briskly to his office. He followed close behind, nearly clipping her heels with his feet. He closed the door behind them while Ali glanced toward the vents. She doubted anyone would listen into their conversation since only a few borrowers found items they could borrow in Thomas's office. She wouldn't be speaking loudly anyway.

One Shot | September Writing PromptsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora