Thank you shakespare

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Harry looked up from his comfortable position in his armchair to find Tom staring at him once again, an indecipherable look on his face. He hoped Tom wasn't still angry with him, but Tom kept staring at him with that intense look of his, and Harry didn't know what it meant.

So yes. Evenings in the Room of Requirement. With Tom. Who Harry certainly wasn't harbouring deeper feelings for. At times like these, Harry felt like a damned masochist.

Harry looked up from his comfortable position in his armchair to find Tom staring at him once again, an indecipherable look on his face.

They spent a lot of their evenings in the Room of Requirement, as neither could enter the other's common room. The Room itself had subsequently morphed itself into a cosy mixture of the two dorms. Harry felt mildly guilty for not spending quite as much time with Ron and Hermione, but he saw them every day and they insisted they understood, though neither were truly comfortable with Tom yet. Privately he thought they could use the time without him to finally come to terms with their less-than-platonic feelings for one another. When Harry mentioned this to Tom, Tom snorted and then tripped Hermione into Ron's arms the first opportunity he got. It was endlessly amusing to Harry, but unfortunately (and not so surprisingly) the flushes on his friends' faces weren't enough to clue each other in, so they were still dancing around each other.

So yes. Evenings in the Room of Requirement. With Tom. Who Harry certainly wasn't harbouring deeper feelings for.

And Harry never got jealous when a girl flirted with Tom or even was so bold as to ask him out- though he always turned them down rather painfully.

Okay, Harry never said he was here for selfless reasons, though sometimes he felt like a damned masochist when he spent so much time around Tom, able to talk and touch but never enough, and never in that way...

He felt like that now, but for a different reason. They'd had a fight earlier which, while not unusual, left a certain tension in the room even after they'd made up and apologised (and Tom apologising to him always floored Harry because he knew Tom only did that when he was genuine, and even then it was rare because of his pride). Harry hoped Tom wasn't still angry with him, but Tom kept staring at him with that intense look of his, and Harry didn't know what it meant.

He wasn't angry at Tom anymore, though. Truthfully, he had been extremely jealous earlier when Daphne Greengrass had asked Tom out and Tom had... taken more time than usual to say no. To Harry, that was almost as painful as Tom saying yes.

And Daphne knew, of course she did, she'd smirked at Harry before she'd spoken the words and placed her hand on Tom's chest while looking Harry in the eye and of course Harry had left. He couldn't watch that. Ron and Hermione understood; Luna offered him cryptic words of comfort; Ginny rolled her eyes at him and told him to just kiss Tom already.

But it wasn't that simple. Tom was... an enigma. While Harry knew him better than anyone, he couldn't say he knew how Tom felt about love. How Tom felt about him. They were inseparable most of the time, but for Tom that could mean anything from 'head over heels in love' to 'keeping his enemies closer'.

How Harry wished it was the former.

They had fought some time after Harry had left- Tom was angry that Harry had left him to 'fight off Greengrass alone' and then when Harry mentioned spending time with Ginny, Tom practically grew an extra head. Harry still hadn't figured out why; the lovesick part of his mind whispered jealous but the sane part of his mind whispered possessive, hypocritical arsehole.

And Tom was staring at him, and Harry really hoped that there was nothing on his face to give his thoughts away. Harry cleared his throat and sat up from where he was currently draped the wrong way across the armchair, letting go of the snitch he'd been playing with and ignoring it zooming around the room.

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