(The bad flirting) among us

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(the bad flirting) among us


Lord Voldemort @lv_official

Among Us but with voice actors


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hitwstan wait this is illegal.....................
phfan216 all my lobbies are full of shouting but here even the shouting is a literal eargasm

jazzcataddict ok but is no one going to mention how fucking hard LV is flirting with roonil???? No?? Just me??? Ok.


Work Text:
"Listen," Harry says, "All I'm saying is that Green's kinda really sus."

"Now now, darling," the smooth, amused voice belonging to Green says over comms, "I've been on your ass the entire round. I'm flattered you think I could've slipped away for a double kill, but—"

"You were literally chasing me around the meeting table trying to rip my head off and you know it!"

The voting countdown ticks to red. Hermione sighs. "I don't think we have enough to go on. Just stick together, do your tasks, and camp sabotages."

"Yeah okay fine, but could I please switch partners? Green is going to murder me in the back of Electrical and the way this is going, he could self-report and no one would think it was fucking him."

"Mate, if you die, we'll vote him off next, promise," Ron says. It sounds like he's laughing. He's totally laughing.

The screen goes black and Harry groans. "If you don't keep your promise then I will remember this the next time I'm impostor and kill you first so you don't get your stupid YouTube video!"

"Comms," Hermione says quickly as they load back in.

Harry slams the mute button. "Ugh!" he shrieks.

He will not, repeat, not think about how illegal it was to hear Tom Riddle's elegant, posh voice say 'ass.'

Deep breaths, Potter. He swallows. Never ever in his entire voice acting career did he think he would get the chance to talk to the Lord Voldemort, a famous VA in the online community known for his, for lack of a better phrase, hot-evil-villain voice. Harry might've had his own modest fanbase by now, but nothing as large (or rabid) as LV's.

And then Among Us had taken off and everyone who was anyone wanted to play it. And stream it.

And now he was comfortable enough—well, as long as he didn't think about it—to actually know his long-time idol's real name, call him a lying liar who lies to his face (virtually) and hear him say the word 'ass' in that perfect, silky drawl of his. All in a day's work.

Ugh indeed. 

"Just do your tasks, Harry," he says, both for himself and for his viewers' entertainment. "Just do your tasks, and when Green inevitably kills you, just die in a place where someone can find your body."

He splits off from the group and heads to Reactor to finally finish Simon Says. True to his word, Green does, in fact, follow him there, nearly staying in his back pocket. It's so sus. He hasn't seen Green do a single task the entire game.

"I'm actually going to do it this time," he says, clicking along the pattern. "I never actually did because I always thought he was going to kill me in cold blood and then vent out, but you know what, fuck it. Ron better keep his promise."

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