Ill bring the ropes and chains

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Harry is kidnapped by a notorious serial killer who decides he doesn't quite want to kill him yet.

(Smut warning)

Harry walked home from campus, completely unconcerned. Hermione had warned him for days about the serial killer lurking around campus, but Harry thought it might be a hoax. It was close to Halloween after all, and no bodies had been found. There was nothing to suggest that there was a killer except for some missing students. He certainly didn't expect that if there was a killer, they would come after him. There was nothing about Harry that he felt was outwardly attractive to others. He was a bit shorter than his friends, his hair was wild and untamable. People loved his eyes though, and they had a fascination with the scar on his forehead from where he had run into a table at a young age. The scar resembled a lightning bolt which was about as fascinating as he was.

He should have paid more attention to his surroundings. He should have been wary of Hermione's warnings or even Ron's subtle tensing at the idea. He should have walked home with someone else. He, Ron, and Hermione rented a house together. They should have traveled home together. But he didn't. He hadn't cared, hadn't paid enough attention.

So, he didn't notice when someone else crept up on him. He didn't notice anyone else was there until he suddenly felt an arm around his neck. He struggled but it was in vain as his vision blackened quickly. He didn't notice if something else was involved, all he knew is he suddenly felt a body against his own, someone strong against his back, and the arm around his throat before everything was gone.

He didn't know how long he was unconscious. He didn't even know when he woke if it was the same day. All knew is he was staring at the remnants of the sunset, the oranges and yellows that danced across the sky and the ground; fingers of sunlight fading, before there was nothing. And now he was here. Where here was, he didn't know. He didn't even know which was up at this point. His head thrummed and it felt like a spotlight was blinding him every time he tried to open his eyes. Every nerve in his body sang and was dulled at the same time.

It took several tries to open his eyes, finding that it wasn't a spotlight in front of him, but in fact a soft, overhead light. He blinked a few times, white spots clouding his vision before the world began to come into focus. The area around him looked like a cabin. The walls and floors were made of wood with no sign of carpeting. There was a fire crackling in the corner, the only sound in the room other than Harry's panting breathing. There were some imbedded shelves on the walls, stone surrounding the fireplace, and some scarce furniture. It didn't look as though anyone lived there, or maybe it was a vacation spot. His eyes focused on the space in front of him, seeing a window open to the night sky, stars shining through trees, and in front of it a wooden table. Chairs were surrounding it and as he focused on his body more, he noticed he was in one of them. Or rather, he was tied to one of them.

In another chair, leaning against the window, was another. He appeared to be about Harry's age, with high cheekbones and dark, wavy chestnut hair. His body was long and lithe and he had long eyelashes which brushed his cheeks as he sat with his eyes clothes. His feet were propped up on another chair. One hand was resting across his abdomen and the other was playing with a knife which he spun on the table. Now and then the knife would thump as the handle hit a bowl on the table but the man only shifted it and continued playing with it.

Harry's throat felt like it was stuffed with cotton as he tried to open his mouth. He wanted to speak, to ask the man what he was doing there, to beg him to let him go.

The man sat quietly for a few more minutes and if his hand wasn't moving, Harry would wonder if he was even alive.

Eventually, he opened his eyes and Harry was suddenly captivated. He had brilliant but dark blue eyes, the same shade as the sky just before sunrise. He swallowed thickly.

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