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It was now the afternoon, and Hope was just sitting beside Landon's grave and talking to a new version of Simu-Landon as she was doing so for the past 6 months already. 6 months may have already passed, but Landon's death still has a toll on Hope, hence making her create Simu-Landon 2.0. Although Hope's way of grieving isn't exactly the healthy one, but other people deal death in their own ways.

"You know, the more I think of it, you are getting sadder as the days goes by." Said by Simu-Lando 2.0

"Well, it wasn't exactly easy for me after your death." Hope said.

"I mean you have been totally failing your classes, you have been binge watching my favorite movies, reading my favorite books, and you have basically shunned all your friends and the people that care about you the most." Said by Simu-Landon, though it was sad, but it is indeed the truth.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Said Hope looking down, sad.

"Well, how was your day so far?" Simu-Landon said trying in his little way to cheer the tribrid up.

"Pretty much like you said earlier, I haven't been listening to classes, I have been ignoring Josie, Lizzie, and pretty much the whole super squad. So yeah, pretty much the same shit for the past 6 months, sad." Said Hope.

"So you're still mad at Raf huh? C'mon, you know it wasn't his fault to begin with. I mean he was dead and being controlled by the Necromancer, and pretty much, he has been through worst. Maybe you could cut him some slack?" Asked Simu-Landon.

"Yeah, I get it, but, I can't just forgive him just yet, not when he took away the most important person from me." Hope rebutted. "Okay, enough about me. How was your day?" Asked Hope.

"Well, I'm right here talking to you for the past 6 months, so there's that." Simu-Landon said as they just laughed it out.

"Stop it. You're so funny." Hope said sarcastically and just giggled with Simu-Landon, until she heard a very familiar voice that might end her conversation with Simu-Landon soon. "Oh shit, it's Dr. Saltzman." Said by the tribrid.

"So, I guess this is goodbye for now." Said by the Simu-Landon.

"Of course not, don't be ridicolous, I'll see you tomorrow." Said by Hope.

"Alright, then. Bye." Just as Simu-Landon said those words, he was shut down immediately, although unbenknownst to Hope, Alaric has known for the past few months what the young Mikaelson has been up to.

"Hope." The headmaster said standing behind Hope.

Hope then stood up and faced Alaric and said in a disappointing tone, "Dr. Saltzman. Great, you're here."

"I'm guessing you already know why I'm here." Said by the headmaster.

"Yeah, and there's nothing you can do to get me to stop talking to an imaginary version of my dead boyfriend." Rebelled by the young Mikaelson.

"Hope, it has been 6 months already. Look, I can't let you stop grieving your dead boyfriend, but this is becoming unhealthy for you. You have been failing your classes, hell you aren't even attending most of them. This has got to stop, Hope. Now I've seen this type of grief before and trust me, you don't want to go to the point where your grief fully consumes you inside. I'm not gonna allow it, not especially under my watch." The headmaster said to the young Mikaelson as she was just speechless and she had nothing to do but to cry it all out.

"I just don't know what to do anymore, Dr. Saltzman." Hope said as her voice cracked given all the sadness she has been letting out. Just as the tribrid was crying, Alaric then hugged her tight to give her the comfort that she so desperately needs.

"Shhh, it's gonna be okay, Hope. You have been through worse. You're gonna get over this eventually, just give it time and everything's gonna be alright, okay? Just cry it all out. It's gonna be okay." The headmaster said while hugging the young Mikaelson and giving her the best comfort that she so badly needs possible.

Finding Love Again: Hope MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now