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Josie and Lizzie are now thinking of what they will be wearing for the party at the old mill. Although Lizzie was going for a simple look, Josie however was going for an impressive look as it looks like she was gonna attend the party to impress someone.

"So, why are you dressed in all-red? I mean we're just going into a simple party after all, it's not a fancy ball or anything." Lizzie asked curiously.

"Can't I just try it out? I bought this like a few months ago already. So what's the point of buying it if I'm not gonna wear it anyway." Josie defended herself, although Lizzie wasn't buying it, given who Josie invited to the party. "Fine, you caught me." Josie not so long ago admitted the true reason why she dressed like that.

"So, the new kid huh?" Lizzie teased while Jo just rolled her eyes but at the same time blushed. "I mean he's super tall, handsome, and even muscular. And besides, you deserve a break after all given to what has happened in the past few months. And, I'm pretty sure he'll like you. I mean, what's not to like about you?"

"Aw, thanks Liz, you're absolutely the best." Josie thanked her sister for those touching words and hugged her.

"All right, let's go. We don't wanna be late." Lizzie said breaking the hug and then proceeding to exit their room for the party at the old mill.

The twins have now arrived at the old mill. Surprisingly, a lot of students have already been boozing earlier. Hence, why they are so drunk right now, especially the wolves. The vampires and some witches and wolves were now playing never have I ever. It was now MG's turn but suddenly he saw Lizzie from afar and decided to exit the game.

"Hey, you made it!" MG said kissing the blonde siphoner.

"Of course, this is one of my things. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Lizzie said breaking the kiss between the two.

"Well, shall the both of you join us in our game of truth or dare?" MG asked the twins.

"I will join you, but unfortunately, Josie has some searching to do, right?" Lizzie said trying to convince Josie to find the one vampire she has been crushing on in which she totally agrees. But of course, she wants to spend more time with MG as she hasn't been able to do so recently. "Happy hunting." Lizzie said as she and MG get cozy and leave the other twin around to find her potential knight and shining armor.

Josie was now searching everywhere for Henry but unfortunately, he is nowhere to be found. as she tried one more time to search everywhere, still no sign of the young vampire. Josie was now just getting a beer from the keg as she has already given up on finding Michael. 'I'm such a fool' she thought to herself. But one moment later, someone tapped her shoulder and she couldn't believe it who he was. Josie was just staring at the tall, muscular, and handsome young vampire who just got admitted at the Salvatore School.

It took a whole minute for Josie to realize that she was caught up at the moment. "Hi! You made it." She said.

"Uhm yeah, well you kind of invited me and surprisingly, you're kind of the only person I know in this party. Oh and by the way, nice outfit." Michael said complimenting the siphoner and Josie showed a big smile.

"Aw, Thanks." Josie blushed. "Well, how about I introduce you to my friends and get to know them a little bit?" Josie asked.

"Sure, that would be cool." Michael said as he and Josie went on to where MG and the vampires are playing never have I ever.

"Guys, I want you all to meet Michael." Josie said as she introduces the young vamp to her group of friends and surprisingly, they were intimidated by him on how athletic and tall he is.

"I'm MG." The vampire said as he shook hands with the new vamp and felt really small knowing how tall he is.

"The name's Kaleb. Kaleb Hawkins." The other vampire said as he also shook hands with him and couldn't help but feel also intimidated by Michael.

"I'm Jed, nice to meet you." The werewolf said shaking Henry's hand firmly, and let out a quick whisper before he goes back to his pack. "I'll be seeing you around." He said somehow in a form of threat or maybe it's just that he doesn't feel intimidated by the new vampire.

"Well, it's nice meeting all of you. I'm just gonna get a drink, I mean it's a party after all. I guess I'll be seeing a lot of you around." Michael said as he proceeded to get beer in the kegger.

"That was quick." Lizzie said.

Josie then went outside for a fresh air after being left by her supposed crush. She was then approached by a familiar student who she previously had a relationship with.

"Hello, Jo." Said by the one and only Jade.

"Jade, what a surprise." Josie said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"You know, I think this is the only time that you have ever spoke to me ever since the last time we shared a kiss 9 months ago." Jade pointed out.

"Well, it wasn't exactly easy for me for the past few months. So forgive me if I actually just finally gave myself some space." Josie said and Jade just simply rolled her eyes.

"Fine, if you say so." Jade said, annoying Josie even more. "So, why are you here? Let me guess you thought you had finally found your prince charming with the new vampire and then suddenly, you realize he wasn't the moment you saw him making out with another slut."

"What are you talking about?" Josie asked. "And no, he just left us quickly for a drink, he wasn't making out with another student." Josie asked in disbelief.

"I actually beg to differ." Jade said looking at the direction where Michael is supposedly making out with another woman. Josie was in denial at first but she then had to see for herself. "Told ya." Jade said taunting Josie as she left her alone to watch Michael make out with another student.

Josie's heart broke the moment she saw Michael making out non-stop with a fellow witch student and decided to take her into his room. She had a different first impression for the young vampire the moment he stepped foot into the Salvatore School. But sadly, not even a single of her impressions on him were met. She then went on inside back the old mill, planning to down all of her sorrows and get drunk to forget that he ever had a crush on Michael.

A/N: Hey guys, I'm so sorry for the super late update. Classes have been really killing me. But thank you so much for being patient in waiting for the next chapters. I can't promise that I will be able to upload soon given my classes, but I'll really try my best to upload as soon as I can. Anyhows, please always keep safe.

Xoxo, Ty.

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