#09 "Bias' bias"

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Wonwoo watches (Y/n)'s vlog on Youtube if he has time. (Y/n) isn't pretty and famous. Actually, she only has 10 subscribers on her channel; including Wonwoo's dummy account. But she never failed on making him laugh with her corny jokes.

'Maybe, if I date someone as funny as her, it'll be great,' he sometimes thinks. Wonwoo is a serious guy and always afraid of being the center of attraction. When everybody says that opposite character attracts each other, it might be true.

One night after his dance practice with his co-members, Wonwoo have watched her vlog while on his bed.

[Hi guys! This is (Y/n) again. I am really thankful that finally I have 20 subscribers. Yehey! My content for today is about preparing for my outfit for tomorrow. I actually bought a fan meeting ticket of a k-pop group I recently stan.]

"Oh? She loves K-pop. This is the first time I heard about this. I thought she only likes Korean drama actors," Wonwoo murmured while watching.

[I decided to stan this group after I saw their newest comeback. Then, I fell in love with their other tracks. I still haven't memorized the members' names because they are 13 in their group but I was awe in their performances.]

When Wonwoo heard the word "13", he sat up with rounded eyes directed on the phone screen.

[It's Seventeen! Have you heard about them? They are so awesome! Until now I can't choose my favorite because all of the members are unique in their own way. But after the fan meeting tomorrow, maybe I can choose my bias. I'm so excited to see them in person! However, the ticket I bought is only at the bystander's part. I can't talk at them, nor hold their hands just like what other fans can. Still, I'm happy. Anyway, let me show you the outfit I'm gonna wear. Tada!]

Wonwoo put the phone down as he looked at the blank space. "She will going to attend our fanmeeting tomorrow?" A man like him who rarely smile, has blushed while smiling from ear to ear.

The fanmeeting's day arrived.

Just like usual, members passionately greeted each fans. They talked with them, held their hands and have a good time. As the event continues, Wonwoo still couldn't find the girl behind the vlogs he always watches.

"What are you looking at?" Woozi who is sitting on his left side, asked. "You kept on glancing around," He chuckled.

"Ah. N-Nothing," fetching a sigh, Wonwoo uttered.

Based on her vlog, Wonwoo knew that she was going to wear a yellow shirt with spongebob printed on it. But no matter how he tried to look around, he couldn't see her. First reason could be because of his poor eyesight. He isn't wearing his glass today and the crowd was huge.

"The fan meeting will end soon," a staff murmured behind his back.

'No. I haven't saw her yet. Please... make the time goes slower,' Wonwoo prayed inside his head.

As if fairies heard his wish, his eyes caught that woman in yellow t-shirt. She is excitedly standing a few meters away, looking around, observing each member's face in awe. Until she met his gaze.

The two looked directly at each other, as if the time slowed down just like what Wonwoo have wished. Of course, (Y/n) found it weird. She thought that he is looking at something near on her place, but though it might be, her heart skipped a beat. Who won't when Wonwoo was freaking sexy with his expressionless stare?

'He's handsome,' (Y/n) just shouted insider her mind.

Another fan went on Wonwoo's line. And so he doesn't have any choice but to change his gaze onto that other fan. He talked to her, smiled, held her hand but his mind was on the other side. After giving his fan service, his eyes went back on (Y/n).

For the second time, their gazes met again. That's when (Y/n) realized that he IS REALLY LOOKING AT HER.

"W-What is this? Why is he looking at me? Omg," she murmured.

While staring at her, his lips tugged upward, creating the sweetest smile above all. Then he mouthed, "Hello."

Adrenaline rushed on her. Her eyes widened as she smiled back. Waving her hand on air, she shouted, "HELLO!" It was too loud that the other members glanced quickly at her. But they soon dropped their eyes, except that man who was laughing adorably.

From that moment, (Y/n) has chosen her most favorite guy among that group; not knowing that she is also that man's favorite person... even from the beginning.

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