Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I sat on the sofa inside my hotel room staring down at my phone while having an internal debate with myself. Should I call Mason or not? I mean is this really something I want to know? I know I should know but won’t this change everything?

I sighed not knowing what to do or what I wanted. Why does everything have to be so complicated? Things were perfect between us before I came back here. No everything is just…..

My phone beeped interrupting my thoughts and causing me to slightly jump in surprise. Once I calmed myself I was able to look down to see who it was.

Mason: Hey babe. I miss you. Call me when you get in.

I felt my eyes start to water. How could someone like this do all those things Nathan accused him of? Why would he? I’ve never seen a ruthless side of him.

My finger wavered over the reply button while deciding on what to say. Is this really something I want to say over a text message? I think not. I need to hear his voice when I ask him.

I quickly dialed his number and silently hoped that maybe he wouldn’t answer. I know it’s a silly thing to hope for but I just didn’t know if he could handle the truth.

The line rang a few short times before his voice came across the line.

“Hey.” He answered cheerfully. 

“Hey.” I mumbled. 

“How’s the trip?”

If only he knew I don't think he'd be asking. 

“It’s been....interesting.”

And in all honesty it was. I found out many things today.

“Did your family handle the news well?”

“News?” I furrowed up my eyes at his question. 

“About the engagement.” He answered with a hint of worry in his voice. “You you ok?”

Oh, that news. I was hoping he wouldn't have asked just yet. I suppose I could just tell him I haven’t told them yet. It still to soon. They hadn't seen me in months. It was handly fair to throw something like that at them after only being back one day. 

Besides, I had more pressing issues on my mind at the moment. 

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I lied.

No, not really. 

“You sound a little off.” He stated.

I sighed knowing I shold just get it over with and ask him. What was I waiting on anyway? I needed to know so I could let Nathan know he was wrong. So why did I dread asking? 

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