Chapter 4

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Several heartbeats past before I attempted to stand. I clenched my teeth as burning pain shot through my entire body, the strongest of it starting where Cloud had clawed me.
Leaves snapped and crumbled underneath my paws as I ever so slowly dragged myself toward a bush——somewhere that looked more sheltered than where I had collapsed.
Once I reached the underside of the bush, I dropped back down onto the ground and let my heavy eyelids close.
Darkness overcame me within heartbeats.


My eyes fluttered open.

The first thing I saw was the bright sky, with only a few whispy clouds to marr the giant blueness.
The second thing I noticed was that not a single wound lay upon my body.

With that strange decovery planted in my mind, I pushed myself up.

I stood upon a large grass covered hill, overlooking a beautiful green forest. Small birds swooped through the tops of the trees, their musical cries rising to meet my ears. As I tasted the air, the strong scent of prey floated past me.

A splash below me brought my attention to a thin river slowly drifting by at the base of the hill. It's water reflected the blue skies above, and as I watched, a bright rainbow colored fish jumped out of the water with a spray of droplets.

Where ever I was, it was... amazing.

"Wow." I mumbled, awestruck.

"That what I said when I first came here too." A soft voice said from behind me.

Earlier that day the voice probably would've made me jump and attack whoever'd spoken without thinking first.
But all it made me do right then was calmly turn around.
I faced a blue eyed and silver furred she-cat. At first I thought I was seeing a reflection of me, she looked so similar. But then I realized she didn't have the same spotted tail and white paw as I did; and not to mention she looked older and wiser than I probably would ever be.

"Hello Silver, and welcome to StarClan." She murmered warmly.

Uhh... Hi?
"How do you know my name? And who the heck are you?" I asked.
"Oh, forgive me for being so rude. I'm Silverwing, the previous StormClan medicine cat." She responded, not answering my first question.

But I didn't notice, because another more pressing thought had come into my head. Everything here was so beautiful it was almost unreal.
It was just so perfect, and it was just like how Violet had described the place where cats went after they died.

"Am I... dead?" I hesitantly voiced my thoughts.
Silverwing shook her head, eyes twinkling. "No, not yet little one."
Before I could respond and say I didn't want to be called 'little one', she turned around and gestured for me to follow. Curiousity overtook my smart part of my brain and I padded after Silverwing.

I followed her until we reached the edge of the river, where she had suddenly stopped. "Look." She meowed, using her tail to gesture at the water.

I just stared at the water with confusion, nothing was happening.

But then where Silverwing had pointed, the water suddenly stopped moving and a image slowly came into focus.

I felt my eyes widen when the image finally cleared all the way. In the water image several cats were gathered around a fallen pine tree, talking and laughing. Only three of them stood on the fallen pine.

"Let the gathering begin!" One of the cats on the pine yowled, and within a few heartbeats, all movement around that tree stopped.

I glanced at Silverwing, but the silver she cat just sat staring into the area of river that could talk.

"I will start." One of the cats on the pine, a black she-cat, meowed while glancing at the other two. They nodded in acknowledgement and she stepped forward slightly.
"MistClan's freshkill pile has been fully stocked all Greenleaf. We are prepared for Leaf-fall and Leafbare and any threats that come along too." She paused to glance at one of the toms sitting beside her before she continued.
"I have also had the privilege to name two new apprentices. Hollowpaw and Coalpaw!"
She paused once again as the croud let out a loud cheer, calling out the new 'apprentices' names.
"That's all." She finished, letting a brown tom stand.

"PineClan is also doing well. We found a fox just inside our border, but Thornleaf and Aspenjump chased it off." He paused a minute as, not quite as loud this time, cheering for those cats started again. "That's all I have to say." He finished and dipped his head to the last of the three who hadn't yet spoken. He then sat down again to let the last cat speak.

"StormClan has great news, Heatherwing is expecting kits..." the sound started fading away and the water began flowing as it should, destroying the final bit of that image.

"Wait, StormClan?" I asked Silverwing. "Isn't that-"

"The Clan I'm from? Yes." She finished for me.

"Then why aren't you over where ever that was with them?"

I heard a small sigh escape her muzzle. "Look, Silver, I need to tell you something." She looked down at her paws before meowing, "Back when I lived in StormClan..."

Thanks for reading! I really appreciate all the votes and comments I'm getting on this book. Thank you again!

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