Chapter 7

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I hadn't told Shadow that I was pregnant, just in case I was wrong.

I wasn't.

It's been two moons since I first had the cramps. I was due any day now.

I bit back a yowl of pain as a sharp kick woke me up. Breezepaw was sleeping next to me because the apprentices den was being fixed. Carefully, so I didn't wake her up, I padded to the mouth of the den. A cold wind blew my fur the wrong way, making me shiver. I could see Tawnyblaze gaurding the entrance to camp. I need to get out.

I walked slowly so I didn't attract unwanted attention. I dipped my head to Tawnyblaze as smoothly as I could before padding out.
I'm out of camp.

I breathed a sigh of relief, which quickly turned to pain. Once I was far enough from camp, I broke into a run to the place I had picked out over a moon ago. I collapsed as soon as I reached it.

I had met Shadow last night and told him to meet me here tonight.

That was a mistake.

Grabbing a stick I had prepared, I bit down on it hard. A loud yowl escaped my mouth as a small bundle slid out. I quickly started licking her fur the wrong way. A white hot bolt of pain flashed through me as another spasm rushed through me. I licked my second and third kit as they came. I looked down at my kits. In that one look, I forgot all my pain as they latched onto me and started suckling. They're perfect.

Loud footsteps came at me fast. I got on gaurd, standing up and slightly curving my body around my kits. A cat stumbled into the small clearing. Breezepaw.

She looked at me, with... fear in her eyes.

"Silverwing!" She rushed over to me. She didn't look surprised to see me with kits. "Look, you need to get out of here. Can you walk?"

I was so confused.

"Uh, w-what..." I saw blood running down her back. "What happened to you?" I asked in horror.

"It was a tom... a black tom with green eyes... I just barely got away." Breezepaw hurriedly explained.
No... it can't be...

"Are you s-sure?" I gasped.

"Silverwing! He's coming for you!"

Another cat burst into the clearing.

"Hello, Silverwing." Shadow grinned at me, showing his bloodstained teeth. "The small one is right," He stepped closer to us. "But, if you give me the kits, I won't kill either of you." Sneering, Shadow continued. "So, give me the kits." He lifted his paw and slid his bloodstained claws out. "Or die."

My hackles rose. "Never." I showed my teeth and growled. My fur started bristling up until I looked twice my size. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Breezepaw doing the same. I glanced at her. "Go."


"No, leave me. I can't watch you die. I never taught you any battle moves." And you're already wounded, I added silently.

Breezepaw nodded, her gaze shadowed by pain. She turned and ran away with something dangling from her mouth. I had no time to think about it though, right then Shadow leaped, sinking his claws into my shoulders. With a yowl of fury, I threw him off. His black pelt was stained with red, but he just scrambled to his paws again. When he jumped at me this time, I was ready. I slammed into him and clawed his ear. After a few heartbeats, I found that I was on top of the rolling bundle of our fur now. Am I winning?

My adrenaline started wearing down and my new scratches felt like fire.

We pulled apart from each other and I gasped for breath. In the few heartbeats of my hesitation, Shadow attacked, and this time, his claws found their mark. I collapsed, pain lancing through my throat and blackness starting to creep in the edges of my eyes. I watched him helplessly as he took my kits.
No, I'm losing.

Woot! Two chapters in one day!
Thanks y'all fur reading. ^_^

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