Taken (real one)

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No ones pov:
Ever sense jahseh and Noni been friends they always showed love in there relationship. A couple months after they met jahseh let noni meet Memebers only and there girlfriends. And eventually a couple years they all moved in to a house together on her and jahseh turned 20. Then she got pregnant and now there baby is 2 months.

Noni's pov:
"Are you ready for bed my princess" I say putting her baby lotion on her as Jahseh and the rest of members only was downstairs having a couple drinks and talking. "Your dad,uncles, and aunties are being so damn loud am I right?" I say talking to her as she yawned. "Ok let's get you your bottle and then I'll put you down for bed ok my love?" I say putting her hat on her head that's a pice of he onesie.

We walk down the stairs and all eyes come on us. "My niece" ski says coming to get her out my hands.

No ones pov:
As he starts kissing all over her face she wines "oh ski my baby don't like yo faggot ass" jahseh says they all laugh at his response. looking over ski's shoulder to see her face. Noni finished up her bottle "she honestly hates all of you. That is something we have in common" she says everyone gets quite as she walks out the kitchen to go up stairs "fuck you nigga" jahseh says "stfu Noni" tank and coolie say. They continue talking.

20 mins later noni is done feeding her and putting her to bed she goes downstairs to talk to all of them.

Jahsehs  pov:

"She asleep" I ask wrapping my arm around her neck  as she leans over the counter pouring herself a glass of wine. "Yea" she says looking at me smiling. "Nah but all jokes aside I need to tell y'all sum jahseh and noni." Ski says " wassup?" Noni says waiting for him to speak. "I'm dead ass proud of y'all. Y'all are amazing parents."ski says "yea to be a artist and a parent is really hard we're proud of you both" ally  says "facts" juice adds on. "Thank you we appreciate it vrother" I say.

2 hours later
Noni's pov:
we all  said out good nightsand went up stairs to bed. Everyone always goes in orra's room to kiss her forehead and tell her goodnight. I already said goodnight to her but I went with jahseh to say it one more time. "Goodnight princ- we're is she?" I ask jah "I don't know she would be asleep in here right? Maybe one of the others have her" he says "yea.. yea" I say walking into the hallway. "Guys?" Everyone came out there room. "Do y'all have Orra?" I ask " no we haven't said goodnight to her yet" they say. Jahseh runs back to her room "why is her window open?!?" He yells. "We're the hell is my baby?" He yells

2 days later

"I want my baby" I cried into ally's arms as she rubs my back. "We will find her. Jahseh and the boys love that girl to death. They will find her. I promise"

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