Missing /2/

276 7 3

2:01 am November 12th

After everyone went back to the their Mansion that they share. Y/n's mom was cleaning up a bit. After she was done she was just about to go in her room until she heard the door bell. She walked to the door and opened it. "Y/N" she yelled. "What happened to you honey?" She asks. Y/n had bruises on her body. Except for her face and her hair was a mess. Her clothes had rips in it. And she was covered in dirt. "M-mommy" y/n says crying. "Comon let's give you a bath, change your clothes,and clean your bruises and scratches off then we will call jahseh" her mom said. She nodded walking inside.

Her mom took her clothes off. Shocked by the way her body looked. She ran her a bubble bath and washed her hair and body. She let y/n dress her self in her clothes. She had on grey sweatpants and a black wife beater. "Lay in bed I'll go get my phone and call jahseh." Her mom said leaving the room grabbing her phone and going back into the room y.n was in. The phone rung after the second ring he answered.
"Hey momma you ok?" He said sounding like he just woke up. "Jah-jahseh y/n is h-here." She says "what!!?" He says shocked "please get here fast bring everyone!" She says. "Ok bye mom" he says hanging up. He gets out of bed and leaves his pajamas on he has on black sweats and no shirt. "GUYS" he yells they come out their rooms and looks mad and confused. "Listen don't be mad ok? But y/n is at her moms house" without words they run to the car jahseh grabs his car keys and drives to the house.

5 mins later.
Y/n fell asleep in her moms arms in bed. Her grandma and her cousins were all on the bed. They were all looking at her. She looked... peaceful. Her mom heard the door bell ring so she got up to answer it her grandma took her spot and cuddled with y/n.

She answered the door and there stood jahseh with red eyes and everyone else. She's upstairs in her room asleep go on up." She says they walk up the stairs and that all go into her room. She sees his princess. "Be careful jah she's in a lot of pain" her grandma says moving to the end of the bed so that he could lay down with her.

He gets in bed and puts his arm over her.(he's on his side so there both facing each other. And his arm is around her with her head in his chest.) he sheds a few tears a kisses her for head. "Can I see the damage?" He asks his mom. She nodded pulling up he shirt. He sees the bruises and rubs them. She loves a bit in her sleep. "Comon open your eyes" he whispered. He kisses her cheek.

Y/n feels a familiar touch. She slowly opens her eyes and see jahseh and his indigo dreads. "Baby" he whispers hugging her. He kisse her head softly. "What happened my love" her grandma asks. "Ion really wanna talk about it ma. And tbh I kinda forgot. All I remember is getting beat and getting forced to smoke weed. They told me to do coke but I didn't." she says in a raspy voice. "Well the smoking wasn't bad was it bc you always smoke" ski says.

"Yea well they were telling me to do it like 5 times a day. I mostly do it like 2 or 3 times a week." She says " I feel horrible tho.. I miss my princess." She says looking down. Jahseh is just laying on her stomach looking at her. It doesn't feel the same laying on her bc of how skinny she is. "We can see her tommrow" tank says "no... no no i dont want her to see me like this" she says " you look fine baby.. you just have bruises on you stomach you look fin-" "ow"  he got cut off bye y/n. What's wrong "you moved you hand" she says " it's in between you thig- why would it hurt in between you thigh y/n? D-did the touch you there?!?" He yells "n-no" she says looking away "y/n tell me the truth yes or no." He says

"They tried to but they didn't bc i stoped them" "so why dose it hurt" he asks "bc they were trying to keep my legs open and kept punching my thighs" I say. "Let me see them" he says getting up. "Jahseh..." y/n mom says "take them off" he says pull them off of me.

He gets them off and stares at the bruises.. "I-I'm sorry baby.." he says looking at my legs

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