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First time on wattpad or writing fanfiction, hope it turns out okay! 

(nobody's pov)

Levy darted through the busy guild hall, excitement bursting through her. I finally did it! I finished the spell that can reverse age! I can't wait to tell Lucy- 

In her haste to find her best friend and tell her the news, she didn't notice Gray and Natsu, who were fighting on the other side of the guild a moment ago, had tumbled across the room in a matter of seconds.

 Levy was running so fast that she didn't realize they were there until it was too late, "Look out!" She called out in warning, but the fighting mages took no notice.

 Levy tripped over them and as she watched the glass vial fly through the air, it seemed as if everything was going in slow motion. "NO!" She yelled desperately as almost two months of work flew through the air. Her stomach dropped even farther when she realized who it was going to crash into. 

She tried to yell a warning, but it was too late. 

The day was going pretty normally for the Thunder Legion, if not a little boring. They all sat at the table, Ever messing with her makeup next to Bix, who was playing with his 'babies' on one side of the table, and on the other side Laxus was drinking the first of his regular two cups of coffee, while Freed sat next to him on the outside edge of the bench. 

He was kind of spacing out because Bixlo and Evergreen had started arguing, so was a little slower to react than he normally would have been when someone called his name.

 He turned around just as a glass vial came flying towards him, he quickly stood up too try and escape the little vial, but he wasn't quite fast enough. The vial hit him in the shoulder, and a cloud of white fog surrounded him so he was entirely out of view.

 Levy wailed, "MY POTION!" and promptly went limp on the floor, questioning the meaning of life. The rest of the Thunder quickly got up, alarmed at what had just happened. 

Ever turned to Levy and questioned, "A potion?" Levy nodded dejectedly. 

"What does it do?" Laxus demanded. He wouldn't admit it, but they all knew that he was concerned whenever something bad happened to anyone in the Thunder Legion, (especially if it was Freed, but they never really noticed it.) 

Levy sighed, "It...was...a de-aging potion. What we planned was that it would basically turn someone into their younger self." 

Ever's eyes were wide as she slowly turned to where the fog was slowly starting to dissipate. "So...your saying that..." 

"Yup." Levy deadpanned, and Ever started to get a little flustered, "So-so that means that-that Freed. Our Freed, just got-he just-" 

Levy deadpanned again, "Yup." Laxus growled, 

"Is there a cure or something?" Levy continued her deadpan and replied, 

"Yup." She sighed and went back to her thoughts on life.

The three remaining members stood, both terrified and a little curious as the fog continued to clear. Levy added, "Oh and he probably won't be awake for an hour or so." They didn't reply, as the fog had entirely cleared revealing their now much younger teammate. 

The past version of Freed looked around six or seven-ish, and he wore a simple white sweater that was a bit too big for him and slightly baggy faded blue jeans. His green hair was in a loose french braid that went to his waist. All in all he was absolutely adorable. That's the only way to describe him.

As soon as Evergreen caught sight of him, she immediately  rushed over and scooped him up and cradled him. Bixlo cracked a mischievous smile, "Huh. Never thought of Ever as the little kid type." 

Ever looked up and snapped, "I'm still not! I'll just make an exception for this..." She held up the still asleep mini Freed and demanded, "C'mon! Lookit it!" 

Bixlo smile widened a bit, "Ok, I admit. Freed was pretty adorable as a kid." His 'babies' circled around him chanting, "Cutie! Cutie!" 

While the two bickered, Laxus walked over and plucked Little Freed out of Ever's hands and began walking towards the door. The sight was almost funny. Freed was so small that Laxus could easily carry him in one arm.

Natsu and Gray, who had been fighting the entire time, had finally stopped, and noticed that Laxus was walking towards the door of the guild with what looked like...a little kid? 

Natsu quickly jumped up and scampered over to him, standing in front of him. "Whatcha' got there Laxus?" Laxus ignored him and kept walking, giving a short growl of a reply,

"It's a kid. What do think it is? A mushroom?"

Natsu rolled his eyes, "Well yeah, duh. But who's the kid? Where'd you find em'?" 

Evergreen and Bixlo had finally caught up to him and Evergreen replied almost proudly, "It's Freed. He got de-aged."

Natsu's eyebrows shot up, "Seriously?" He stood on tip toe as he walked and peered curiously at the little rune mage. He turned back to the pair behind him, his eyes wide, "Wow. What are you gonna do with him?"

 Before they could reply, Laxus answered for them. "Well, somebody's gonna have to take care of him, and I wouldn't trust those two with him for a minute." 

Natsu thought for a moment, before nodding. "Ok, then..." He grinned up at him, "...Then that means we'll just have to move our fight to TOMORROW, not today then!" 

Laxus huffed and rolled his eyes, "Yeah sure, Flame Brain." 

"Ay!" Natsu called out indignantly, but the  Thunder Legion had already walked out of the guild.

Woo! Man. That was fun and hard. Every time I read Fairy Tail fanfics, the authors say Laxus is hard to write for...

...Now I know what they mean 😓. Oof.

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