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"Hey,"Aaron said.

"What's up?"Darcy Angela asked with a smile.

"I wanted to, um, tell you something."


Go for it. Shoot your shot.

"I like you."

"Oh." Darcy made a face. "Here's the thing."

Oh no. Oh no.

She took a deep breath. "I don't like you. Or guys. At all."

"Are you-"


"Oh." There was invisible sand in his mouth.

"I don't really even like you as a friend, in all honesty. You're, no offense, but you're boring. Maybe that's why I'm your only friend. I only hung out with you cause I felt bad and cause people wouldn't think I was, you know.. I mean, people think we're in love. Sorry. I just couldn't risk my parents' career by coming out. You know how homophobic 'Christians' are."

"What makes you think I won't tell the media as revenge? I mean, this would be a juicy story. 'Popular Christian SInger's Daughter Comes Out as Gay' would sell."

Darcy gave him a look. "Because I know you well. You're caring. You don't like to hurt people."

She was right, unfortunately.

Aaron slowly nodded. "Good talk."


Aaron walked away, looking back only once. Then he looked forward, shoulders straight, a sudden confidence as he left.


Love In The Dark•Joriah ✓Where stories live. Discover now