Chapter 1

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Cold. How can anyone live in a shady apartment with an abused parent? I stood up from my brother's sleepy grasp to look around the small two-room apartment, filled with empty bottles of alcohol, and with only one bed. Looking around I hope to find at least a blanket to keep my brother warm throughout the cold winter month. I rub my hands against each other forming some heat. While looking around the apartment; deep down in my empty heart, I hope that our father can go out and die or at least fall from the icy street floor. Wasting all the money that we have been saving from small jobs here or there. Only wasting the gathered money for alcohol again or betting it away.

With no luck, I sigh and walk back to the small bed I share with my brother.

Feeling tired, I went and sat down beside Lyle. As sleepless was going to take me away into the land of dreams, the entrance door slam opened from the other room.

I jumped out of fright knowing what was about to happen. Hearing all the stomping heading towards the second room. I turned my head towards my brother. His eyes are wide awake with fright in his dark blue eyes with tears falling down his cheeks. Before I noticed my own tears had appeared as we held on to each other. Tears and fright in our eyes: as it was a habit. It's a wonder how many tears we still have left, we could have filled a whole jug or a bucket by how many tears we cried in a week or month.

I silently prayed to God or anyone out there to save us. I prayed again and again. To at least get us away from this horrible house. It can even be a day or an hour, anything for at least a taste of freedom.

Freedom of not feeling any pain anymore. Freedom of never crying or worrying about food for the next day. Freedom of never getting any more bruises or cuts from broken alcohol bottles. Freedom of never being in fright again. Freedom of just relaxing for once in our lives.

But that freedom never came. God or anybody never came. My hope had vanished away as the season's pass. Each day supporting a new scar or injury.

As the door had been slam open by a mid-age man holding an alcohol bottle halfway done. Slouching against the door as he walks sluggishly towards me.

I back away from his reach towards the corner. Protecting Lyle behind me from the old mid-age man we call father.

Father grabbed my hair and pulled me away from Lyle's reach. ¨DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY I HAD WASTED BECAUSE OF YOU!!!¨ He pushed me against the furniture with all his weight on top of me. He kept pulling my black hair again and again sideways. In pain, I stayed silent. I know if I yell out loud for mercy, it will only get worse.

"Li!" Lyle tried to pull our Father away from me but was push down and had hit his head against a desk corner. I watch as my beloved sweet brother's own blood is escaping from his head that got hit. My heart tightens as this awful feeling of wanting to throw up. I was frozen from my spot, everything around just zone out. Staring at the back of his brown hair: I felt a huge shame for myself. I couldn't even protect my own sweet brother! If I got more money! He would have gone to school, he would go to amusement parks, wear the most comfortable clothes, eat the best food out there, and just run around with a smile on his face! If! Just if! But No! We had to suffer and just childishly hope that our mother can come back to give us warmth! We don't need anyone anymore, I can take care of us from now on!!

Hearing a zipper being pulled open, I finally focused on what was going on. No more hiding in the shadow!

I reach around trying to find anything that I can use against this beasty man we called our Father. I felt the tips of my fingers on a cold glass that felt familiar to me. Quickly grabbing the bottle, I hit my father's head as hard as I could.

Father releases my brown hair and yelp in pain. "LIBI! YOU BITCH!" Quickly getting up, I grab any empty bottles around the room close to me at arm's length. Feeling as I turned into a different person; I kept hitting and hitting my Father with empty alcohol bottles at his head. Never caring that he kept asking for mercy. Now he wanted mercy! Where was my mercy when I yelled in pain! Where was my brother's mercy when he silently cried each night!

Getting up I ignored my father's lifeless body full of blood and glass. Walking towards Lyle's unconscious body I pick him up in bridal style. I run as fast as I can away from the demon apartment house.

Running and running.

Feeling the cold step by step.

Body screaming in pain.

Ignoring it for my own brother's sake.

As I ran and ran I could see black dots appearing in my sight.

Ignoring it, I kept running and with my final last steps, a bright light came towards my left. Just as I was about to scream. Instead, I closed my eyes.

Is this what my future was destined to be? There really wasn't a God at all. At least I got my revenge at last. Doesn't matter if I go to heaven, hell, or whatever exists out there in the afterlife...But at what cost? Sigh, I just wanted a life full of food, a place to sleep, money, and just anything good for me and my brother.

As everything went slow, I held my brother against my body and turned around for the truck to hit my back. 

...Goodbye world. You suck anyway...

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