Ch.6.1: Who and/or What Are You, Norah Navarro; or, Prepare For the Fight Scene

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Before we begin this chapter, dear Readers, I probably should explain what 'Blando-Worlds' are and, to that extent, what a 'Blando-Rando' is. 'Blando-World' is sort of the unofficial name used in multiversal circles for a World that isn't In The Know. There are also Blandos of a larger scale, like 'Blando-Universes,' or 'Blando-Dimensions,' but those are a bit too complicated to go into right now; or ever, for that matter. They're called that because, in the grand scope of the Multiverse, they're essentially too uninteresting, mundane, and- you guessed it- bland compared with the other worlds out there to be In The Know. Fortunately, this status is usually temporary for many Blando-Worlds; all it takes is either a great, monumental event or a series of events- be they historical, or evolutionary, or whatever- to spice up that World like a buffet of Indian food. That'll get the Multiverse's attention and will get that World In The Know status in due time. Did you like the 'spice up' analogy? I just thought of that. Or did I?! Thought that I was done with that, didn't you? Besides annoying you, dear Readers, there is also a more philosophical reason why I do that. I want you to think about that. Now, back to the explanations.

The term 'Blando-Rando' is also an unofficial name used in multiversal circles for individuals who are not In the Know. Obviously, one can only find Blando-Randos on Blando-Worlds and in other Blando locations: because they're all so 'blissfully' ignorant that there's far more than their hum-drum version of reality.

Of course, even in Blando-Worlds, there are a select few who are In The Know. Those who are far more capable than those poor slobs who accidentally become In The Know and then killed slightly afterwards, if I'm being honest. Some of them might be agents in one of the Protectorate's auxiliary agencies like Ouroboros. Some might be Protectorate contacts in any government organization that might help with any Protectorate business there; we'll go into them later on in this chapter. Then, there are those who are civilians, but still have something... interesting about them in one form or another; they usually live incognito in Blando-Worlds for their own personal reasons. They're sometimes Sanctuaries of any kind on some of these Blando-Worlds, but that's for another series, if not another time.

I feel like I have to say this; in case you missed it, I have a sort of... dislike towards Blando-Randos. Why? It's nothing personal, but to put it into simple terms, they're just too dull. I've been a citizen of the Multiverse all my life; it's just that the banal life of a Blando-Rando pales in comparison with everything I've experienced. Of course, I could say that being a Lodestone has sort of made me biased towards what Blando-Randos call 'normal.' Sure, it has its drawbacks, with my jinx curse and all. But at least it doesn't get boing.

Imagine my surprise when I found out that I have to babysit a Blando-Rando. No, 'surprise' isn't the word; more like 'annoyance.' Yeah, that's the word. But don't take my word for it; let's see what Narrative Me is thinking and doing in the beginning of this chapter.


'I can't believe old Clank-N-Crank is making me do babysit duty for a Blando-Rando and using my promotion as leverage,' I thought to myself as I walked into the lobby of the hospital that Norah Navarro was in. I don't know where the hospital was city-wise, though; I knew that this was one of the Earths that had a United States of America, but that was it. Not that it mattered, mind you; I simply created a portal using the coordinates that I was given and just walked through. It was a couple hours after I talked to Sylvie about the case, but the time was different on this Earth. Specifically, while it was the middle of the afternoon when I left Omniopolis, it was almost early evening on that Earth when I arrived almost instantaneously. Sort version: different dimensions, different time-zones.

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