Ch. 10: Professor Pigmaeus' Discovery

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"You know, having met your colleagues and learned some things about what they are," Norah said to me as we walked side by side down the corridor to our current destination, "I can't help but wonder what you are. Do you mind if I asked you a few things about you?"

Normally, I wouldn't have answered her, but what she did- for the second time since I met her- in the Chief's office had got me wanting me to indulge her.

"I don't mind," I replied, "although I think that you wouldn't believe all of my answers."

"After everything that I've seen today," Norah said with a short exhale, "I'll try to keep an open mind. So, what do you believe in?"

"What?" I asked, not sure what brought the question on. "That's the first question you want to ask me? Why not ask me what I am? After meeting the others, you must be dying to know that."

"Well, I do," Norah answered, "but I figured that I should ease into that one. The reason why I ask this is because one of the questions you asked me before we left the hospital was if I believed in anything. I guess I'm curious what you believe in."

I then slowed my pace, scratching my chin in thought. Norah slows down as well in order to stay beside me.

"Well, I generally don't believe in labels when it comes to myself. However, no one has actually asked me that question before. So, I guess I ought to answer. I like to think of myself as a complicated person, so logically, what I believe in should be just as complicated. Theologically, as I believe that's what you mean, I suppose that I'm a pantheist. You do know what that means, I take it?"

"Vaguely," Norah said while nodding, "that means that you believe in many things, right? Or at least admit and tolerate their existence?"

"A simplified definition," I said with a shrug, "but a somewhat accurate one. It's necessary to have that belief when you're in a situation similar to my own. Even though you wanted to hold off on asking me what I am, I might as well get it out of the way; mostly because it's somewhat integral to your question. I'm the child of a mixed marriage: my mom was a witch, and my dad, a mad scientist. Because of that, I am capable of performing Magick and inventing crazy cool stuff."

Norah looked at me with wide eyes. "Really?" she asked. I silently nodded. She then added, "But what does that having mixed parents have to do with being a pantheist?"

"Because of my dual nature," I replied, "I must accept that other things are possible; thus, I always keep an open mind. An idea, I might add, that neither school of thought shares; neither one like the other, and neither think that science and Magick could and should mix in any way. There's even a multiversal movement that I'm a member of that advocates the union of science and Magick. And no, it's not a radical or subversive group; I wouldn't have this job if it was.

"Another reason why I'm a pantheist," I continued, "is because I need to be in order to prove those old school thinkers wrong by using both super-science and Magick achieve something that take both the greatest of both sides decades to achieve in half the time."

I paused for dramatic effect, then Norah asked, "What is it?"

"It has been given many names over the years," I said in a hallowed, hushed tone. "Ascension, Apotheosis, the Magnum Opus, Posthumanism, and so on. I prefer to call it something that's acceptable in both camps: Enlightenment." I paused again for effect before switching back to a normal tone of voice. "Mind you, I haven't achieved it yet; combining the two forces only got me closer to the goal than others. The rest is up to me."

Norah looked at me for a moment, then said, "I'm sorry, but what exactly do you mean by 'Enlightenment?' Are you trying to become God, or something?"

"Of course not," I said, slightly offended, "well, not 'God' with a capital 'G;' more like smaller case 'g' god. If anything, I'll settle for just being on the same level as the Celestials, or what you might call angels.

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