Ch. 8.1: Discussing Some Major Revelations Over Pretzels

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After that ordeal was finished, we went back into Norah's room to find the bag with her clothes and other belongings. When I found them, I secretly brought them into the Still- for reasons that will be explained shortly- and gave them to her so she could get changed. Obviously, we were still in the Still as this is happening; for what I was about to do didn't needed to be away from Blando-Rando eyes.

As Norah got dressed, I straightened back agent McTeer's clothes back up; she didn't need to know that a pervy hillbilly cultist went to Second Base with her without consent. She'd still have the feeling like she was violated somehow, however. I had to fix her carefully of course; any excess of friction in the Still would cause her blouse to catch fire. That's one of the causes behind spontaneous human combustion, you know: reckless groping in the Still. I did keep her and agent Continos leaning against the wall, though; they needed to know something happened when Norah and I left the Still.

After fixing McTeer's clothes, I decided to write a note to tell both agents what happened- to a degree- so they don't worry too much about when they'd discover that Norah's no longer in bed. Luckily for me, I had my notepad and pencil with me when I was brought into the Still so that it wouldn't cause friction burn.

The note went on as follows: "Dear Agents Continos and McTeer, I realize that, when you read this note and discover that Norah is gone, that you'll have questions. For example, 'How did she get out without us knowing?' 'Wasn't she asleep in bed just a second ago?' or, 'Why are we suddenly leaning up against the wall?' All are excellent questions, but I'm afraid that I can't answer them. All you need to know is that Norah's location at this hospital has been comprised, and I've taken somewhere that's more secure. If you want to know what really happened, ask your boss; she'll debrief you about some of what's really going on. Let's just say that the people that I really work for are always looking for allies in different... areas, and you two look like good candidates to me. Who knows? Maybe this will be the first of many strange and unusual cases that you two will investigate. It's not a new concept, but that isn't a bad thing; not when the Truth is out there. Just try to avoid any super sketchy, chain-smoking older guys in dark and expensive looking suits. Anyway, don't worry about Ms. Navarro, agent McTeer; she'll be safe in my care. Maybe will meet again some time in what we perceive to be the future. Sincerely, Agent A. N. Squires."

I then tore the paper out of the notepad, and then got a piece of tape from the nearby nurses' station and went back to Norah's door in order to stick the note on the door. After that, I contacted ProOps again to standby for an impending portal deployment. They do this service for agents in the field who don't have interdimensional transportation devices on their persons; in case they're undercover. Before any of you ask, dear Readers, no, I can't use my weapons to create a portal: the Profound Pen doesn't have enough juice to create portals between dimensions; as for the Omni-gun, using a gun that uses wormhole technology to shoot things out of them in order to create a portal is just as counterproductive as it is impossible.

Anyway, I was giving the Operator the coordinates for the portal's destination and where to place it, when the door opened and Norah walked out, wearing a form-fitting long sleeved top with an alluring yet tasteful plunging neckline with her pendant right in the middle, a pair of leggings that were just as form-fitting as the top, and a pair of wedges, and a cellphone clipped on the waistband of her leggings. For obvious reasons, I couldn't tell you what color they were. She also had her hair made haphazardly up and held together by a pair of ornate chopsticks.

"Just standby for my signal," I said to the Operator as she came up to me, "you know the where, I'll tell you the when and where."

"Who are you talking to?" she asked me just as I tapped my ear three times to sign-out.

The Double Cult Cha-Cha: An Al Squires of the Protectorate Story (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now