Chapter One: My Bestfriend Went Missing!!

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About a month before the end of summer break my parents decided to take me to Disney World in Florida.  Tomorrow is the day we go back to our home in California and I cant wait to see my bestfriend Avery. At the Disney world gift shop I got her a mickey mouse ears hat with her name on the back as a souvenir.  After spending the day at Disney's Magic Kingdom we went to Epcot Center then finally we went to our hotel room.  Once we got to the hotel I went to change into my pj's and went right to bed because it was already almost 9:30 and we had to get up early to catch our flight back home.

In the morning we got all of our bags and headed to the shuttle bus to go to the airport.  Once we got to the airport and we were all checked in we got some breakfast since we had some extra time before we had to catch our flight.  Once it was time to board the plane we got on and made our way back to California.  After about a 5 hour flight we finally made it back to California.  we went to baggage claim, got our bags then headed to the car to go home.  Once we got home, I went across the street to bring my best friend the souvenir I got for her.  When I knocked on the door Avery's mom answered and said, "hi Lily, I see your back from your trip". "Yes Mrs. Myers, I had a lot of fun, Is Avery home?". "Uhm I'm afraid not, I don't know if you've heard but yesterday she went missing.  She went to go hangout with a friend at the mall and I haven't seen her since. I'm doing everything I can to find her. I've contacted the police and I made sure that everyone in our neighborhood keeps an eye out for her". "Oh my gosh, I hope she is ok, I have no idea what I'd do without my best friend".

After finding out about her best friend, Lily goes home with a sad worried look on her face. "What's wrong lily?" asks her mom. "Avery went missing yesterday after hanging out with her friend at the mall and I don't know what to do". "Oh no I'm sorry lily, I'm sure she's okay, and the cops are probably doing everything they can to find her." "I think I am going to go out and look for her". "No you're not especially this late at night and in the dark. Just let the police take care of finding her". "But mom I'm worried about her, she is my best friend and I don't know what I'd do without her. I need to go find her". "I know that honey I'm worried about her too but you can't go out late at night by yourself, it's not safe". "Ok fine mom".

Later that night once everyone went to bed I decided I was going to go out to find my bestfriend. I made sure I had all of my self defense weapons. From a taser to a can of pepper spray I had it all. Once I was ready I grabbed some food and drinks from the kitchen then went out of my bedroom window with my skateboard and headed on my way to find Avery. About 25 minutes into my search I remembered that Avery mentioned that the person she was going to the mall with was our friend Joshua. Me and her have been to his house before so I remember where he lives. I decided that even though by skateboard it may take a while to get there but it will be worth it for my best friend. I start heading for his house and I check the time and it's almost 9:30.

I try my best not to make any noise so I don't get caught out here then all of a sudden as I'm riding down my neighborhood street my uncle Joe that lives down the street with my aunt in an apartment building went outside to take out the recyclables. I tried to hide but before I knew it he caught me. "Lily? What are you doing out late? Shouldn't you be home?". "Please don't tell my parents uncle Joe, I'm trying to look for my missing best friend." I beg him not to tell my parents and then he makes a deal with me. "I'll tell you what, I'll give you a ride home and you'll go back inside and you won't go out late at night again without asking your mom, and this will be our little secret. Deal?". "Ok deal". I accepted his deal and he drove me home. My first mission had failed so I'm gonna have to think of another way to find her. Once I got home I just decided to go to bed and create my second plan in the morning.

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