Chapter 2: The Plan (Day 1)

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Once I woke up I went to take a shower and get ready for the day since it was early. I decided that I may not be able to do this thing alone so I called up my boy best friend, Jack. Once I'm all ready for the day Jack comes over. Once he arrived we went up to my room to make our plan. We have some time since it is still early. "So I think that first we are going to take our skateboards and go to Joshua's house. Today will be day 1 of the search. If he is home we will wait till he leaves and once he's gone you will go search his house because his parents are both working. Then I will ride his tailgate on my skateboard and follow him around to see where he goes. Later tonight we will discuss our plan for tomorrow, day 2. Okay?". "Okay sounds good Lilly." Jack replied.

We get our gear and our skateboards and we head off. Once we arrive at Joshua's house we see that he is about to leave. Jack and I get in our positions. Jack goes to wait by the back door since it's always unlocked and I hid in a Bush near his car. Once Joshua got in his car and left I put my rope and hook on his tail gate and he left his driveway. The first place he went to was to get food at In-N-Out. Thankfully I was able to make it to his destination safely. Once he went inside to get food I decided I was hungry so I went inside and ordered some food. Once I got my food I sat at a table that was not too far away from his table. I finished eating so I threw away my trash then went outside to wait behind his truck until he came out. Eventually he came out and left the parking lot. As we were going down the road I noticed he pulled into a supply store. Once he entered the store I secretly followed him around to see what he was getting. Turns out he was getting a heavy duty rope and duct tape and also a sharp knife. "Oh my god, what is he going to do with that stuff?" I said to myself, I went out to his truck early so I could check in with jack. I get out my phone and call Jack to see  if he has found anything yet.

Once Jack picks up the phone Lily starts to talk to him. "Hey so josh is inside of the supply store to get some things and I will tell you what he got when I'm back at his house. So what have you found so far?". "Not much besides some broken ropes and chains in his room, I'm kinda scared because I have no idea what they are for and I also found a door with a ton of locks on it and I wanna know what is behind the door". "Dang we will have to inspect another day because Josh is coming back to his car now and he is on the phone with someone. He said that he is going home so I suggest you go outside and hide till we get back." "Sure thing Lily I will wait at the skate park down the road from him till you get back". "Sounds good see you there" "ok bye lily". Lily hangs up the phone and gets ready to leave the parking lot. Once his car starts up Josh pulls out of the parking lot and heads home. Once Josh gets back to his house he parks his car and answers a phone call but he stays in his car to talk. While he is talking on the phone lily sneaks off to go meet jack at the skatepark.

Lily finally arrives at the skate park to find Jack doing some new tricks he learned. Instead of going to let Jack know she is at the park she sits down on a bench to watch him. As Lily sits to watch Jack, she starts to think to herself. "Dang he is such a good skater, and he's pretty cute too." "Wait, I've been best friends with him since we were little, am I starting to catch feelings? Oh boy I definitely can't tell anyone, especially Avery because she would tease me about it a lot haha. And I don't want to ruin our friendship by telling him how I feel so I think I'm gonna wait.". After Jack finished his tricks he noticed Lily was watching him so he went to go talk to her. On his way over to her he starts thinking to himself. "Wow she is really pretty and I think I kinda like her, I would tell her but I don't wanna ruin our friendship or anything so I might keep this to myself for now." Jack finally makes it over to Lily and they make their way back to lily's for dinner and to discuss what clues they found that lead to Avery being missing.

Over dinner Jack and Lily eat in her room so they can discuss what clues they found today. "So when I followed Josh to the supply store I noticed he bought some heavy duty rope, duct tape and a sharp knife". "Oh my gosh really!? I saw some broken ropes and an empty duct tape roll and I was freaked out.". "Oh my gosh I thinks that we should go back to his house tomorrow to inspect some more and maybe check out the room with all the locks to see what's down there.". "Ok sounds good lily". After they finish eating Jack heads home for the night and Lily goes up to her room and goes to bed.

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