Chapter 3: The Plan (day 2)

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*Beep, Beep, Beep*. Lily stops her alarm and gets out of bed to get ready for the day. Once Lily is all dressed she sits on her bed to call jack. Jack gets dressed and as he starts to head downstairs to get his shoes on and grabs his skateboard he answers his phone. "Hey lily what's up.". "Hi jack i just finished getting ready for the day, so where do you want to meet to go over our plans for our search?" "let's meet at the skatepark by josh's house". "Ok sounds good see you there jack". "Ok bye". Once Lily hangs up the phone she grabs her skateboard and puts on her shoes and heads outside to make her way to the skate park.

Once she arrives at the park she notices Jack sitting on a bench waiting. Since he has no idea she is here yet Lily decides to sneak up on him. "BOO!". "Ahh you scared me lily, hahaha." "ha ha got you." Lily teased him. "Anyway so what we are going to do is we are gonna wait till everyone leaves Josh's house then we will go in through the back door and check out that mystery door.". "Ok sounds like a plan lily". Once everyone left Josh's house, Lily and Jack sneaked inside to inspect. When they get inside they go to the door and there is a sign that says "parents keep out!". "Ok so it's time to unlock this door. I have a lock picking kit in my bag so I'll unlock the doors.". Once Lily picks all the locks she finally gets the door open. When they go down the stairs that are behind the door and when they get to the bottom of the stairs in the middle of the room they could see parts of a chair and what seems to be shoes. *whispers* "Jack, is it just me or do you see shoes with legs?". "I see them too lily, hold on, I'm going to turn on the light." Jack goes over to the wall and turns on the light. When the light comes on it reveals a very tied to a chair with a rope and chains around her ankles. When both Jack and Lily look towards the chair they notice who is in the chair and that she is sleeping.

Lily walks up to Avery and gently shakes her awake trying not to startle her. "Avery wake up, it's me, lily.". "H-huh, lily?". Avery wakes up then she notices that her best friend Lily was in front of her and she starts to cry. *crying* "Oh my gosh lily I can't believe you found me. I thought nobody was ever gonna find me and I was gonna die down here." Avery starts to calm down and both Jack and Lily start to take pictures of the things around them and the door and also a picture of Avery tied up to show the cops. After taking some picture evidence Lily and Jack work together to get very untied from the chair so they could get her out before Josh or his parents come home. After a few minutes of getting the chains loose and the ropes united, Avery is finally free from the chair she jumps up to give Lily and Jack a hug. "I missed you guys so much. I thought I was never gonna see you guys again!". "We missed you too very!". Lily and Jack say at the same time. "Well we better get outta here before josh or his parents get home.". Lily, Avery, and Jack all head outside secretly and run for the skatepark. Once they get to the skate park they all sit down and Lily calls Avery's mom and asks her to come pick her up and jack up not telling her about Avery yet. Once her mom pulls up she quickly gets out of the car in tears when she notices Avery has been found. "Avery they found you. I'm so glad you are safe!". Avery's mom walks up to Avery and gave her a huge hug.

 "Mrs. Myers we need to get the cops over here as soon as possible!". "Ok lily i will call them right now." Avery's mom walks back towards the car to call the cops and have them here as soon as possible. While the teens wait for the cops to arrive, Avery borrows Lily's skateboard and works on some tricks to relieve stress. Once the cops arrive Lily and Jack go to the cops to explain what happened. As they tell the cops about how Avery had gone missing they also describe the person that kidnapped her and how he was coming home any second. The cops get in their cars and hide them so that Josh won't try to run when he gets home. Once Josh pulled into his driveway he was about to go inside and greet his parents but the cops came up behind him grabbed his hands and cuffed them behind his back while another cop went inside to get Josh's parents. Once his parents came outside they were furious. The cops explain what happened and show the picture evidence and even though jack and lily technically broke into their house they weren't even mad because of what josh did. As his punishment Joshua has been sentenced to 5 years in prison for second degree kidnapping. His parents were upset but also mad because of what he did behind their backs. Once the police left Avery's mom brought Jack home then dropped the girls at Lily's house so she could stay the night at Avery's.

Once Lily and Avery get to Lily's house they go upstairs so Lily can pack. Once she finishes packing the girls say goodbye to Lily's mom and dad and then leave to go to Avery's. When the girls get into the house they run upstairs to gossip about stuff. The girls change into comfy pjs then sit on Avery's bed and talk. "Soooooo lily I gotta say, I honestly think that you should date jack. I mean i know he is your best friend and all but you two would be so cute together. I can see it now, JILLY!". "Well I mean that kinda leads to what I have been wanting to tell you. I actually..kinda him..". "Oh my gosh that's so cuteeee!". "You gotta swear you won't tell him. I was going to tell him tomorrow. Also i have a present for you.". Lilly goes over to her backpack and pulls out a Disney gift shop bag and gives it to Avery. Avery opens the bag and pulls out the hat. "No way oh my gosh thank you so much lily! Woahhh it even has my name on it! I love it so much!!". "Your welcome bestie!!". Avery gives Lily a hug and then they get ready for bed.  

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