Chapter ] 6 : Mystic Falls

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When Elena passed the Mystic Falls sign she wanted to turn around and go back to New Orleans, back to Klaus. One word came to Elena's mind Homesick. Elena was homesick from New Orleans which she thought she would be homesick from Mystic Falls. She was homesick from New Orleans, the music, and Klaus. Every house Elena passed was unfamiliar to her. Elena was heading down the road to Mystic Grill, the one place she knew everyone would be. Elena pulled up to the small parking lot of Mystic Grill with unfamiliar cars. Everything around Elena was unfamiliar even the air its self. She got out of the car and went inside. Elena saw everything was the same, but it's also was unfamiliar. She went to the bar and sat on a stool. She ordered herself a shot vodka and waited for Damon to show up.


"Well hello beautiful. What are you doing her all alone?" A drunk voice said beside Elena. Elena is not a bad friend she could tell the voice belonged to Damon.
"You came to a bar to get drunk, not to be drunk when you get here." Elena said. Damon sobered up when he heard Elena speak.
"Elena what are you doing here? Where is Jeremy? Are you staying here?" Damon asked.
"I'm here for Alaric's funeral. And Jeremy's is at home he didn't want to see any of you guys. I wanted to stay to, but I wanted to pay my respects. I'll be leaving by the end of the week to go back home."
"This is your home."
"My home is back there. Mystic Falls was just a place I grew up in. Every where I look I see unfamiliar things and faces, this place is not my home anymore. No one can change my mind. If you'll excuse me I have some where to go. And I expect you to tell them I'm back in town for a week?" Elena said leaving before Damon could get a word out of his mouth.


Elena walked into her childhood home, it was different than she had left it. There were bottles of alcohol on the coffee table, papers were scattered on the arm chair, and there were clothes all over the floor. She knew Alaric had been leaving here before he died. She couldn't keep the house a mess. After an hour of cleaning the house Elena went upstairs and went into her old bedroom. When Elena walked into her room she couldn't help but feel empty. She wanted to go back home, but she couldn't not until she had the resuscitation spell. She went downstairs to make something to eat. Thankfully there was actually food in the fridge and not microwaveable food. Elena made herself a turkey sandwich, Elena sat down and remembered that Klaus had asked her to call him. She pick up her phone from the table and called him. He answered after the 3rd ring. "Hello love." Klaus said.
"Hi. You sound unhappy what happened?"
"Rebekah yelled at me for putting a dagger into Elijah's heart." Klaus said.
"And why did you dagger him?" Elena asked.
"Marcel was scared that there were four originals in town. So I daggered him and gave Elijah to Marcel."
"Your an idiot. Anyway what are you doing?"
"Sitting at home, waiting for you to come so I can kiss you." Klaus said. Elena couldn't help but smile, and she knew he was smirking on the other side of the phone.
"Neither can I but I have four days until I leave. And I'll be home to kiss you." Elena said.
"I like the sound of that." Klaus laughed. "Have you ate yet?"
"I'm eating right now."
And what are you eating?"
"A turkey sandwich."
"You should eat more than that. Don't you think?"
"I'm not that hungry. I ate before I left the city." Elena said before there was a knock on the door. "Hang on there's someone at the door." Elena went to the door and opened it to see Bonnie. "Bonnie what are you doing here? Come on in."
"Your here, Damon was right. I thought he was just being his drunk self." Bonnie said coming inside.
"I'm going to call you back later. Bonnie is here." Elena said to Klaus.
"Who were you talking to?"
"Umm... Jeremy." Elena lied.
"Oh, how is he? How are you it's been five months?"
"He is good. And I'm doing just fine." Elena said.
"Where are you guys at?" Bonnie asked.
"I can't tell you. If I do then you might look for me. It's not that I don't trust you, it's I just don't trust you not having it slip out were I'm at. Because I don't want the Salvatore's competing for me when I don't want them." Elena said.
"I know it's just I wish knew you were tried of them. Maybe then I could've helped you."
"There's no way you could have helped me." Elena said before her phone rang. She answered it.
"Elena, I need you to came home." He said.
"And why do I need to do that? Jeremy I'm supposed to stay here for the rest of the week."
"It's the witches they have Rebekah." Jeremy said.
"Okay, I'll be home in two days. Call me tomorrow and give an update. Bye, I love you Jeremy." Elena said almost forgetting that Bonnie was here.
"I love too. Bye." Jeremy said hanging up the phone.
"What happened?" Bonnie asked after Elena was off the phone.
"The pipe in the house bursted." Elena lied. "Do you want to invite Caroline over so we can have sleepover? We haven't had one in awhile." Elena asked changing the subject.
"Yeah, sure. Just let me call her." Bonnie said grinning.


Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline. All sat in the living room and talked about random stuff, while watching the Notebook for the hundredth time. They laughed, they cried, but a the end of the day they knew where there places were and Elena's was thousands of miles away from theres. Elena got around for the funeral she keep telling her self that everything was going to be okay, but she knew she was wrong. Nothing in her life would be okay.

Hey, if your confused on why I started at chapter 6 its because it decided to continue book on this account. If you want to read the first 5 chapters read it on Alyssa11_12476.

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