Chapter ] 8 : Home Again

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                 Elena had gone so fast it took her 3 hours to get to New Orleans. She couldn't wait to start the spell. Elena didn't need the of full moon like Bonnie needed, because Elena had powerful creatures to channel if she needed it. Elena couldn't help to be excited to see Klaus even if it was only two days. When Elena pulled up to the familiar house, she quickly got out of the car and ran inside. She'd missed the smell of New Orleans and the feeling to be home again. When she got inside she had Jeremy giving her hug. It had reminded her if when she was little and had cheerleading practice, everyday Jeremy would ran and give Elena a hug, he would only let go when Miranda or Grayson pulled him off her. "Elena your back earlier than I expected." Jeremy said pulling back from the hug.
"Well I did speed down the dirt roads."
"When are you going to do the spell?"
"Tomorrow night." Elena said smiling.
"How did you get the spell?"
"Bonnie. She showed me the spell and Damon made a noise upstairs, and Bonnie went to check it out. So I took my chance to take it." Elena said happy with herself. "Anyway where's Niklaus?"
"He left an hour ago to have a drink with Marcel. He regretted daggering Elijah so he's finding a way to get back."
"Will find him. After he is a part of this family."
"Elena, when did you get home?" Kol said coming into the parlour with Rebekah.
"'Lena your home. I didn't expect you home this early." Rebekah said giving her a hug & sat down on the couch, taking Kol's bourbon out of his hands.
"Hey, that's mine." Kol whined.
"Well, get another."
"I come back home amd you two are acting like children. Do you want me to baby you?" Elena asked.
"No." They both said in unison.
"That's what I thought. I didn't think I needed to baby a thousand years old."
"Wow. When did you become a mother?" Jeremy laughed. "Ow. What was that for?" Jeremy asked after Elena hit him on the back of the head.
"For being rude. God, what is happening to people's manners these days?"
"They went out the window." Kol said  scarcatically, laughing.
"Is there anything to eat? I'm hungry."
"I just made lunch. There should be leftovers in the fridge." Jeremy said.
"What is it? I better not have made it because you can't cook."
"He didn't, it made it. He keep asking me so I gave in." Rebekah said.
"Sounds like him" Elena smiled.
"Hey, I'm right here." Jeremy said grabbing a throw pillow from the couch and threw it at Elena, but he missed her and hit a wall.
"Missed and by the way you were ment to hear that." Elena said before heading into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and decided not to eat. She grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge and went upstairs to take a nap. She took a quick shower and put on a pair tank-top and shorts. She climbed into the bed, closed her eyes while sleep took at her easily.


               "Where is she?" A voice said. Elena looked around to see that she was in the Gilbert house. She saw Damon, Bonnie, Caroline, and Stefan were all into the kitchen. Damon was looking at her with anger written all over his face. Which caused Elena to become scared. He walked to her thinking he was going to do something to her, but instead he walked right through her body and grabbed a bottle of whiskey of the counter. "I want that spell back. Alaric is our only hope of finding where Elena amd Jeremy have been hiding from us." Damon said, taking a swing out of the bottle.
"Damon she was the only other person who knew about the spell. She could have took it from me." Bonnie said.
"No. No, she didn't do that I chose no to believe that. Elena doesn't steal, she gives things." Damon said, looking sad.
"The Elena we knew died. She was died to us the moment she left town."
"Stop it. Stop saying things that aren't true." Damon said, throwing the bottle on the floor, shattering, making Bonnie gasp.
"Hey, hey. Damon calm down." Stefan said, putting a hand on Damon's shoulder.
"Calm. Calm down. How can I do that when the girl I love is nowhere sight. For all I know she could be with some else." Damon said. Elena couldn't help, but laugh because what Damon said was true about Elena being in love with some else. Elena could tell that Damon got through Stefan. Stefan could bear see Elena falling for some else besides him or his brother. "You want me to calm down? I will when you bring Alaric back, I want my girl back." Elena was confused why all of a sudden they wanted to bring him back.
"Wait hold on. Why are exactly want 'Ric back?" Caroline asked confused just like Elena.
"Alaric was Jeremy's real father. Isobel fell pregnant with his child and she she had a witch spell her to where her stomach wouldn't grow. Once she had him she brought him to Grayson, so he could be with his sister." Bonnie said.


             She woke up gasping. She forgot to close her door before she went to be. Jeremy was right by her door when she woke up, heading for bed with Rebekah.
"Elena are you alright?" Jeremy asked. She didn't answer, instead she quickly kicked of the covers and then ran to Jeremy. She put her hands on his head she whispered a quick spell to show him the dream she got. "What was that?"
"It was want they're doing. They're trying to get us back by using 'Ric's blood to track us down." Elena said, disgusted with her old friends.
"It true we are really related." Jeremy said, smiling, pulling Elena into a hug. "Your boyfriend is in his bedroom, he's home."


             Elena went upstairs to go to Klaus' bedroom, only to hear thing being thrown or smashed. She ran into his room, to see him throwing things. He had blood all over him, clothes had small cuts in them. "What are you doing?" Elena asked, startling him.
"Elena, love I was just throwing things." Klaus said.
"Well, no. I've get eyes so I use them." Elena said sarcastically.
"Love the sarcasm." Klaus walked up her and put his hand at her waist, while Elena's was around his neck.
"And I love you." Elena said pulling him into a kiss.
"I love you too." Klaus said kissing her. They kissed like there was nothing stopping them. If the world ended right then they wouldn't have noticed.

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