Chapter ] 7 : The Spell

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                    The funeral was held in the church. Many high school students were there. Elena had asked the pastor if she could speak for Alaric before the funeral started. Many people were shocked to see Elena here, but they were also confused why Jeremy wasn't here. When it the funeral started the pastor prayed for Alaric he said many great thing up there. Elena couldn't help but cry through the whole thing. Elena felt an arm go around her shoulder, she looked up to she Stefan, just the person I need she thought. Elena leaned her head on Stefan's shoulder when he sat down right beside her. It seemed like hours had gone by before the pastor called Elena's name. When she got up to the podium she had to close her eyes, took a deep breath. She remembered what Klaus said to her this morning it made her smile before it flatten, remembering where she was.

"Hello?" Elena asked when she answered the phone without look to see who it was.
"Hello love. It just want to call to make you we're okay. I know the funeral is today, I just want to tell you everything is going to be alright." Klaus said.
"I will be. I been to these thing a thousand time and I've made it through."
"Have you gotten the spell yet?"
"No, but I will. After the funeral was over Bonnie's taking me to the old witches house to show me something. I pretty sure it'll be the spell we need." Elena said.
"I have faith in you. I want to tell you something. I don't know if you feel the same way or maybe its to early for you, but I- I love you. It's okay if you need more time or you don't beli-"
"I love you too. I don't need more time. I just need to get out of this place. I'll be coming back home tonight. I don't want to stay here any longer I want to be with you." Elena said cutting Klaus off. "I love you just remember that. I'll call you later. Bye."
"Bye. I love you." Klaus said before hanging up.

"The worst day of loving someone is the day you loss them. But every death takes us a step close to finding our true love. But I'm not here to talk about love, I'm here to talk about Alaric Saltzman, the closest thing to a father I had. The most loving history teacher and his best friend, Damon Salvatore were the best sober drunks in town. But Ric' was caring, kind, and protective of Jeremy and I. You may wonder were Jeremy's at, well he's at home. If you haven't known that we moved somewhere else. When I got a phone call saying that Alaric was dead. I didn't know what to do besides pack my bags and come home from a little while. Alaric was young when he died and he was loved by his friends and family. Alaric maybe dead, but he won't be forgotten." Elena said before leaving the podium.


"What are we doing here Bonnie?" Elena asked entering the basement of the old witch house.
"I have spell to bring Alaric back." Bonnie said.
"How are you going to do that? Your not even strong enough."
"I'll next week there'll a full moon I can channel it." Bonnie said showing the grimore that had the spell Elena needed. Bonnie thought that if she brought him back then they'll come back, but little did Bonnie know it was that Elena had a plan of her own.
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because I just wanted to tell you that you don't need to mourn anyone anymore. I'm bringing Alaric back without dyeing or using black magic."
"Why? Why are you trying to? You don't even know him like me. Is it because you want Jeremy & me to come back?"
"Elena its not like that. It's-"
"It's not like, what Bonnie? There's no other way to explain it. You want us to come back to a town that's done nothing, but brought us pain."
Before Bonnie could speak again they heard a noise from upstairs.
"I'll go check it out." Bonnie said before going upstairs. When Bonnie went upstairs, Elena took her chance to rip the page from the grimore and put it back on the self. Elena folded the page up and put it in a hidden pocket inside of her dress. When Elena got upstairs she looked around for Bonnie but found some else.
"What are you doing here?" The raven haired vampire said.
"Bonnie took me here. We heard something and she went up here." Elena said.
"You know what I mean. What are you doing here in Mystic Falls?"
"Ohh... god Damon what are you doing here?" Bonnie said annoyed.
"Just checking up on my favorite people." Damon said smirking. Elena laughed while Bonnie just rolled her eyes. "Is something funny?"
"Yeah, actually there is. You see I left town away from you guys, and yet I'm still your favorite. Come on there has to be something you've got to be doing with your life instead of hanging out to me. Lets get one thing straight I'm not Katherine, amnd I'll never be. I've changed. I'm no longer the sad little Elena Gilbert. Know stay out of my way will you?" Elena said before leaving the old witches house, leaving Bonnie amd Damon shocked.


"Hello?" Elena said answer the phone when Jeremy called.
"Rebekah's back." Jeremy said.
"Ohh... good." Elena sighed in relief. "I've got the spell. I'll home today. I'm almost done packing." Elena said.
"Okay. What are you going to say to Alaric when he finds out that we're dating his most hated enemy?" Jeremy asked worried what his legal parent would say.
"We tell him the truth. He'll understand, but he might not agree."
"Just bring our father back."
"I will." Elena said hanging the phone. When Elena was done packing, it was noon. She turned off all the lights and left the house. She made sure to not to be seen. She didn't want anyone questioning her why she's leaving so early. When Elena took the back roads out of town so she could speed. She couldn't wait to get home. She couldn't wait to see her new family. She couldn't wait to be with Klaus.

I'm going say this again if you haven't read the first 5 chapters go to Alyssa11_12476

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